I love weddings. My cousin [Meg] is getting married in 2 and a half months. I’m actually somewhat jealous–is that normal? Don’t get me wrong, I love ‘being’ married, but the feeling of being ‘almost married’ is unlike anything you’ll ever feel… it’s the strangest mix of emotions. I wish now that I had kept a journal of my engagement–the things I thought and felt, the discussions The Hubster and I had, the weddings plans, and the people I will be forever indebted to for making my wedding day as wonderful as it was.
The Hubster & I are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and were married in the temple on August 20th, 2005. The ceremony was simple, but beautiful and powerful, and the only regret I have is that more people couldn’t be inside to witness it with me. We were married by a family member, which made the experience that much more memorable. The words of wisdom he gave to us through the ceremony are ones I hope to hang onto throughout our marriage. The Hubster & I were married for time and all eternity, which we believe means that even after death we will still be together as a family. Pretty neat, eh?
My family really pulled together for me… and I know now that I didn’t thank them properly for all the hard work and effort they put in for me. I was in a different place that day… everything just seemed surreal. Even though I knew that it was me that everyone was focusing on, it felt like I was watching someone else’s wedding day. It just didn’t seem like me in the white dress–I guess I didn’t believe that I had really found someone as wonderful as I did, the person I loved more than life itself, and whom I was going to spend eternity with. It was very dream-like, nothing really sunk in until the next day.
Everything about my reception was exactly as I would have wanted it, and I owe that to my family. More specifically, to my sisters. I know that Spart and Peeah were not close to The Hubster, yet they were there to support me in every way imaginable. They were my bridesmaids, my family, my decorators and DJs, and it meant the world to me that they were there. I know Peeah was right alongside my mom making sure everything went smoothly, and I can’t thank Spart enough for the work she put into our dance. My mom and dad… I don’t even think there are words to express the gratitude I feel toward them. I found out after that the people we had asked to help stay and clean up didn’t, and that my family ended up cleaning up until 4am. I don’t think I’ve ever felt that bad.
I guess what I’m trying to say that, although I had the wedding of my dreams, if I could do it again, I’d remember to thank those that helped all along the way. Instead, I’ll just keep thanking them for the rest of my life, or until they each get married (excluding mom& dad) and I can repay them by doing what they did for me.
…thank you.
Shop Girl*