• Thoughtful Tuesdays*

    Thoughtful Tuesdays*

    I had some really great responses to the message I put up for my friend last week, and because I have a bunch of really neat things like that, I decided I’ll post one every Tuesday. I really like the idea of having specific things to post every day of the week because it encourages me to write, so here you go! GEORGE CARLIN’S POST 9-11 (After his wife had recently died). Isn’t it amazing that George Carlin, comedian of the 70’s and 80’s, could write something so eloquent…and so very appropriate. I hope you enjoy this. “The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings…

  • Church Stories*,  My thoughts*

    Settling In*

    Since we moved here I’ve felt that I didn’t quite fit in anywhere… at school, at church, sometimes even at work–until today. I don’t really know what changed or when, but tonight as I was sitting on a bus with someone I’ve recently become friends with, I realized that I’m starting to feel like I fit in here. It’s taken me a year and a half, but I don’t feel so awkward anymore. When we first moved here I had a very hard time. I was far from my family, in a city I didn’t know anything about, at a university in second year when everyone had already made friends.…

  • Daily Junk*,  Weight Tracker*


    Well, I’m down another half pound. I am the queen of slow weight loss. haha Mind you, I haven’t been good with the whole exercise portion of it, although I am determined to do my pilates this morning. I had a really good weekend– Saturday was Dee’s birthday so I was with her for the majority of the day! In the morning we went and volunteered at a family literacy day downtown and I was SO impressed with the turnout. I think we had the best booth by far… we just got to stand there let every kid who walked past pick out a free book. They were SO excited.…

  • Quotes*

    Words of Strength*

    I have a good friend who is going through a difficult time, and I’m hoping that this will comfort her as it did me when I was going through my own heartache. Gene, my rock throughout my high school years, sent me this when I went though a terrible break-up, and I’ve kept it and have read it so many times as I’ve gone through challenges and struggles that I pretty much have it memorized. You know that pain you get in your ribcage when you’re (emotionally) hurt? It kind of feels like something in your chest is going to explode. Unless maybe you could find a way to scream…

  • Complaining about something*,  Cool Stuff*


    I meant to write last night, but the Hubster and I ended up spending a quiet evening together so I didn’t get a chance! The job interview went very well (I think)… I met with the program coordinator and a principal of one of the participating schools. They seemed very impressed with my involvement (present, and what I’ll be doing next year) in my organization at school. Anyway, I find out sometime next week. I’ll keep you posted! As well, I had my interview for ISW today with Sar & Dee. We met in front of a panel of about 9 people and they questioned us for a full hour.…