Complaining about something*

  • Keeping It Real,  Complaining about something*

    Please Cut My Hair

    You know my catch phrase is “keep it real”. So, lemme just take you through this morning. I just told my sister and I cannot stop laughing. The fact that she keeps sending me memes isn’t helping, but here we go. I told you all last night that I was finally, FINALLY getting my hair cut this morning. My last appointment was cancelled the DAY BEFORE due to the lockdown. It was brutal. As things were opening up again, I reached out to a local independent stylist in my community. I booked an appointment for 9:30am this morning. I didn’t say a word about it until 10pm last night because…

  • Complaining about something*

    I’ve been awake since 3:30am.

    This is where I was from 3:30 – 5:30am last night. I heard P wake up first, and I crept in hoping to quickly settle him, but he was upset and wiiiiiide awake. For the most part he just lay quietly in his bed, as long as I was next to him. H decided to join the party around 4:15am. I heard him start whimpering in his bed, but it was completely nonsensical. He mumbled something about the nintendo and toys, then he started crying because he wanted to go to my parent’s house. At 4:15 in the morning. I was trying to settle him when suddenly he bolted upright…

  • My thoughts*,  Complaining about something*

    I Just Can’t Even*

    My day began at 4:30am today. I heard P stirring on the monitor, and as he started crying I slipped out of bed and dashed down the hall to comfort him so he wouldn’t wake H & S. I was in with him for a few minutes, then I crept back down the hall and into bed. Of course, that’s when my head started spinning with all the many, many things I have on my to-do list this week and I couldn’t fall back asleep. After a half hour or so, I managed to quiet my mind and started to drift off.. …just as I heard the door to the…

  • Complaining about something*

    Note to self: Always Check Receipts*

    It has been yet another busy morning. I think I need to stop saying that and just accept that this is my life now… busy is the new normal. Anyway. M was up and out the door early as he’s working in Toronto today. I heard P stirring shortly after M jumped in the shower, and slipped into the kids room to get him before he woke S & H up. We had a lovely snuggle while I procrastinated getting ready, but as I had the neighbour kids coming over at 7:15 I eventually had to accept reality and leave my lovely bed. I watch my neighbour 6 year’s old…

  • Complaining about something*

    It’s Not Cool to be Cold*

    I. am. so. cold. I feel like there was no gentle transition into winter this year. It was rainy and fall-ish for so so long, then all of a sudden… BAM. A wee taste of January two months early. It was -19C when I left for work this morning. I bundled up and sang along to Christmas music on the radio to try and keep warm, but I swear I didn’t feel the heat come on in my car until I was already halfway to work. At least the sun is shining brilliantly, even though it feels a little deceptive. While I was driving home at noon the sun was…