• Letters*,  Parenting is hard sometimes.,  Mom Stuff

    It’s Not Cool to be Cold*

    Dear children and youth, It snowed last night. It’s -14°C with the wind chill this morning. …and I just had a fight with my almost 10 year old daughter because she says she is the ONLY kid who is “forced” to wear snow pants to school. I’m 100% positive that was likely a wee exaggeration on her part. But in the off chance it wasn’t, I have a few pearls of wisdom for you, dear kids, gained from my many years of experience of, you know, life: Snow pants are cool.Warm hats see cool.Warm hands inside of warm gloves are cool.(Actually, they are just plain warm, which is even better.)Zippers…

  • Mom Stuff,  H*

    A Day with H*

    Operation “Not a Fun Mom” continues. A few weeks ago, I told you how I snuck S home for a day so she could have a bit of a break from school. Today was H’s special day. The transition back into school at a NEW school impacted each of my kids so differently. H is my sweet, sensitive child. He so bravely took on this new challenge, and has not shed a tear going into his class even once… even though I know it’s been hard. I think he quietly carries everything inside as he gets through each day, and often those emotions get unloaded at night once he’s home.…

  • Small Town Stories,  There are good people in the world.

    Christmas Candles*

    A little while ago, I found a “Buy Nothing” Facebook group for my community. I joined, and fell in love with it immediately. It works in two ways: you can either post a picture of something you have but no longer need / want, or you can make a post looking for something. Then people will comment and an exchange will be made– absolutely free. I’ve seen some incredible things go through: furniture, toys, clothing, home decor, Christmas Trees, food, baby items, the list goes on and on. People have given and received some pretty neat things, and the only stipulations are that you have to live in the community…

  • Deep Thoughts*,  Adulting*

    Secondhand Gift Giving*

    I have a thought. Well, I have many thoughts. I unload most of them on all of you. I just went and picked up a Christmas gift for my mom. I can’t post a photo yet because she sneaks on here sometimes (HI MOM!), but as soon as I saw it I knew she’d love it. …but I didn’t get it from a store. I bid on it on a Facebook auction. It’s old and used, but it’s beautiful. I’ve never seen anything like it. I am giving my mom a second hand item for Christmas. Is that weird? In truth, I know my mom won’t care, because she loves…

  • There are good people in the world.

    A Christmas Story*

    I have a Christmas story to tell you, but it begins with a confession. For as much as I talk about this beautiful little town, I was really, really afraid to move here. I am 36 years old, and I’ve spent most of my life feeling like I never quite fit in anywhere. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, but at times it’s been lonely. I have many incredible friends, and I think in general people like me well enough, but as I’ve gotten older I’ve learned that there is a difference between being liked and feeling like you belong. I’ve spent years feeling a little like I’m a bit…