When it rains, it pours*
Move over Tom Hanks, there’s a new money pit in town.
I have always, always loved Tom Hanks. He is my favourite actor, hands down. I have always felt this way for one simple reason: his movies always make me feel good. I know there’s the odd one that is just… off (Joe vs. The Volcano… really?), but for the most part, if Tom Hanks is in a movie, I love it.
I particularly love his comedies from the 80s and 90s, and my favourite of all is The Money Pit. If you haven’t seen it, go. Go now. It’s hilarious.
For the past couple of years, we’ve lovingly teased Doodle that he bought a “money pit” when he purchased his home. For a while it seemed like he encountered major repair after major repair as he settled into his new house. We didn’t have anywhere near the issues that he did when we moved in here, so we thought we were golden.
Until now.
Remember how I mentioned that I thought that this year would be a challenge for me? Well, I didn’t know that my house was also in on the game.
A few days before Christmas our main bathroom sink broke. And I mean broke. It was an original fixture and the drain completely rusted through. We ended up replacing the entire countertop as we tried to get our bathroom back in working order.
That should have been my first clue.
Last week the plumbing for our kitchen sink basically fell apart. I opened the cupboards to reach for something and discovered a puddle of water. When the Hubster took a closer look, he realized that the pipe had completely disconnected from the sink.
It took a late night and early morning trip to Home Depot, but luckily my Husbter is amazing and he was able to fix it on his own and it wasn’t a huge issue.
And then after dinner last night, I noticed that the “element on” light was still shining on our stove. I was a little perplexed I had turned the stove off over an hour earlier, but the elements on one side of the stove still felt warm. The Hubster was out until nearly 9:30, and he tinkered with it a little when he got home… only to come to the conclusion that there is a short somewhere in the panel.
So, in short (pun intended), my stove is now sitting unplugged and unusable in my kitchen.
Even though it seems like everything is falling down around us, I can’t help but laugh. I mean, really. Really? The stove too? At least we caught it before it really got warm, there was nothing on it and luckily, there was no fire. I just now feel like I’m walking on egg shells around my house, just waiting for the next issue to pop up and shout, “Gotcha, sucka!!”
Oy evay.
I will say one thing though… if my bath tub falls through the ceiling, I’m out.

One Comment
Oh my! Hold that tub down!