Six Sleeps*
That is how long I have to endure this insanity. If I can make it to next Wednesday, I’ll be okay. The picture pretty much describes how I feel, with a bonus of being ridiculously adorable. So far this week I’ve completed two essays and written a midterm. Oh, and did I mention that everything was today? BOTH essays were due today and I wrote the midterm tonight. That’s just not right. BAH HUMBUG.
I’m more than a little stressed about finding time this weekend to complete everything I need to. I have a 3000 word essay due on Monday that I have not yet started because I’ve been so busy with my other assignments. So there’s that, and I also have an exam Monday morning. Oh mother of pearl. So, if all goes according to plan, this is my plan for the weekend:
Friday: Spend the morning cleaning like a mad woman because I’ve been horrible at being domestic all week and my apartment is gross. Spend the rest of Friday writing the essay. Basically stay up until it’s finished. All 12 pages. Oh dear.
Saturday: Finish whatever amount of the essay I did not complete in the morning, then go work. I know I’ve never mentioned that I have a job before… but that’s mostly because I’ve reduced my hours to basically one shift a month. BUT, that’s pretty much another blog all in itself. This Saturday will actually be my second shift this month… I have to be careful, I don’t want to overdo myself!! haha
Sunday: Go to church, come home, have a much needed nap, then study like there’s no tomorrow for my midterm on Monday. Hopefully get to bed a decent hour.
So, that is my plan. I always stick to things better when they are written down, so hopefully now that it is written here, I’ll be more motivated to stay on track. With regular blogging intervals, of course. I am actually really enjoying writing in here. I look forward to it all day when I don’t get a chance to do it. It’s so nice to have a place to write what I’m feeling or thinking.
Six more days.
Shop Girl*