Camp* (and only Two Sleeps)
Well, the end is approaching. I really should have opened my books tonight and studied for my Wednesday exam, but I really just needed a brain break from all things educational. So, instead, I made a wonderful dinner for the Hubster and I, then had a wonderful talk with an old friend from a camp I used to work at. We hadn’t spoken in years and it was SO good to catch up. [Neil Diamond] lifeguarded 2 summers and he and I were pretty close friends during my camp days, and it made me so nostalgic for those summers.
I camped there for 6 summers as a kid, and worked there for 4 during high school. Some of the closest and best friends I have ever had were made there. It’s amazing how close a group of people can become when stuck together in the bush for 4 – 5 weeks at a time. I haven’t since had a time in my life where I have laughed so much every single day. Whether we were singing Build Me Up Buttercup and My Girl in the kitchen, holding belly-flop contests off the dock, eating onions or dancing to Friends in Low Places, everything was fun. And I miss it, and the staff, with my whole heart.
So I spent most of the night scanning and uploading old photos onto Facebook so that other people might get a laugh. It’s hard to believe how much we’ve all changed since the days we camped there! We’re now all over the province, and are lucky if we bump into each other once a year. But I want each and every one of them to know that I treasure my camp memories and think about them often. I MISS YOU.
Shop Girl*
P.s. Congrats [Vance] on the news of your son! I’m sure he’s going to be beautiful!!!!! :)