About the Author*
I am Shop Girl–a life (and shoe) loving 24 year old teacher fresh out of teacher’s college who has not eaten chocolate in nearly a year (CRAZY, right??). I am proudly Canadian and have lived in Ontario all my life. I grew up in a teeny tiny town in the Great White North until I moved south at 17, finally making my way to The City* at 19 where I began my first year of university. I had ambitious academic plans–studying English Literature and Political Science I planned to go to law school, and marriage was not even on my radar. I had a new boyfriend every week (I was poor… SOMEONE had to buy me food… haha) until the one fateful night that I would soon learn would change my life forever. I met the (soon-to-be) Hubster one ordinary evening and within two months we were engaged… and married five months later. Meeting him changed my life completely–I was a bride at 20, we moved far from my family and I had to transfer universities–but I wouldn’t change anything about Our Story*. I love my Hubster and our life together… we’ve been married for nearly four years and we still kinda like each other. ;)
I abandoned plans for law school to become a History and English Literature high school teacher, and I don’t regret that for a second. I love teaching and all the challenges it presents. While I love what I do, I hope to one day pursue a career in writing as well. You being here proves that someone likes to read my crap! haha! I’ll keep you posted with those developments.
You’ve probably noticed that I’ve changed all the names of people and places on my little blog, including my own (who’d name their kid “Shop Girl”?! Come on now, people). I think it’s a little more fun this way, and I get to name people whatever the heck I want. haha! If you do happen to know who I am, please play along and protect the names of the innocent (namely me. ha).
Last, but not least, this is me:
I love: daisies, popcorn, rice krispie squares, sunshine, good hair days, mornings, 80’s comedies, Tom Hanks + Meg Ryan movies, music, piano, writing, family, teaching, books, smelly candles, mail, snowfalls at night time and shoes (my ‘collection’ was once nearly 100 pairs).
So lovelies, that’s me in a nut shell. I love shoes, love and life, and I love to write about it. Thanks for popping by!

I’m kinda proud of:
—Our Story*
—My Top Ten Irrational Fears
—Pick-Up Line Offenders
—Seven Steps to Healthier Living & Getting in Shape
—My Bucket List*
—The Death March