• Kids

    The Turn Tooth*

    This has been one of the worst colds I’ve had in a long time. I rarely ever take any OTC medications–after six years of pregnancies + nursing I just got used to natural remedies and find they are usually enough to see me through. Yesterday my throat was so sore that I caved and took some Benylin to see if it would help. I was in no mood to deal with any complaining at dinner time, so I whipped up a gourmet meal for the kids: frozen pizza. S almost never eats the crusts on her pizza. We normally have a deal where she eats to the crust and I…

  • Teaching*

    O Brother, Where Fart Thou?

    I feel like my blog has been all doom and gloom lately because the kids and I have been sick and I’m tired pretty much all of the time. My throat feels a little bit like it’s on fire so that’s fun, but whatever. This too shall pass and all that. I have a story that I’ve been wanting to share with you, but I had to wait a little bit so it wasn’t super obvious which school it happened at. I’m usually pretty good at keeping my teacher face on when hilarious moments with students ensue, but there have moments when I’ve just about lost it or almost done…

  • My thoughts*,  Kids

    Not on the bathroom floor*

    I’m happy to report that tonight’s post is coming to you from my regular perch on my loveseat, and not the bathroom floor. I finally got H settled and back into bed a little after 1am. As we were creeping back into his room, I heard S crying softly in her bed. I got H tucked in with his bucket, then crawled into her top bunk with her to see what was the matter. She’d had some kind of a bad dream about bugs stinging her and was quite upset, so I laid in bed with her until she was calm and fell back asleep. As I was laying there…

  • Complaining about something*,  Kids

    Live from the Bathroom Floor*

    I wasn’t going to write today. I’m still rocking a man voice and really don’t feel well, and after a full day of errands, cleaning and mom-ing, I just didn’t have it in me once all my housework was done at 10pm. I was booked in to work a full day tomorrow and decided that rest was more important. So, I got ready for bed crawled in and stretched out. Then I heard the kids’ door open and H stumbled out, complaining that his tummy hurt again. So, this post is coming to you live from my bathroom floor, where I am currently camped out with my small sick boy.…

  • Complaining about something*,  House Stuff*

    We have a closet!

    I woke up yesterday morning with a mildly sore throat. I hadn’t slept well for two weeks, worked more than usual this week and have been trying to complete the bedroom reno with M in every available moment, so I wasn’t really surprised. It didn’t bother me much yesterday though, so I didn’t even really think about it. We drove north for the afternoon, then were up late working on our new closet and dresser. It was almost midnight when I crawled into bed, and M crept in a little later after a much needed break. Well, that sore throat has bloomed into a beautiful man-voice that got progressively worse…