Brownie Cookies*
Well, it’s official. I am in love. You absolute must try President Choice’s new Brownie Cookies. I swear I almost died and went to heaven with every bite. Now I know my chocolate, and this was an experience almost too beautiful to put into words… haha Spart may love them almost as much as the Hubster and I, but it’s going to be a close call.
Anyway, today is a GLORIOUS day!!! Aside from the fact that it rained all day and melted the snow, I love today. I handed in the last of my essays, returned all my books to the library, and finished the worst of my midterms. I now only have one left on Wednesday and I am THRILLED. I feel as though his huuuuuuge weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I an sit back and breathe a little.
Because we’ve been so busy the Hubster and I haven’t really had a chance to spend time together, so we went out and spent a fabulous afternoon together. He finally got his phone on Friday (that was a huge eBay disaster that we finally sorted out) so we went to activate it and get it all set up! I’m so excited that he’ll have a phone again… we gave Doodle his old phone for his birthday, so he’s been without a phone for a month and a half. Our university campus is really big and kind of like a castle, so it’s really difficult to find someone you’re looking for. Phones make this much simpler. :)
Anyway, we then went and walked around downtown, grabbed some treats (brownie cookies) and went to see this new craft store they just opened up to look for a Christmas gift for my mother in law. I love the way craft stores smell… I don’t even quite know how to describe it, it’s just so… good. I’ve never been in a crafty store that doesn’t smell wonderful. It was just a really good afternoon, and I’m so happy we had a chance to relax a bit.
Shop Girl*