• Daily Junk*

    Panic Attack*

    So… I’ve had a pretty crappy day. I cried 3 times, blew my nose about a hundred, and almost killed my laptop. I’ve pretty much decided that I am allergic to my city because every time the seasons change I get sick. I can almost pin point the moment my nose clogged last night and it hasn’t stopped since. I managed about 3 or 4 hours of sleep last night so I’m pretty tired today. Is it possible to be allergic to something in the air at different times of year? I don’t know. There’s something about this city that makes me get sick. So I’ve just been tired/no energy…

  • Thoughtful Tuesdays*

    I Believe*

    I forgot to do this yesterday… so here you are!!! I BELIEVE I believe – that sometimes when I’m angry, I have the right to be angry, but that doesn’t give me the right to be cruel. I believe – that just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to, doesn’t mean they don’t love you with all they have. I believe – that maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you’ve had and what you’ve learned from them, and less to do with how many birthdays you’ve celebrated. I believe – that it isn’t enough to be forgiven by others. Sometimes you have…

  • My thoughts*


    Several of my friends on facebook have been posting notes that contain thirteen messages for 13 unidentified people. The idea is to release things that you’ve wanted to say but never have into the universe and get it off your chest. Ideally, the person should never know which statement is about them… it’s really just a means to vent, and is apparently quite therapeutic. So, I thought I’d try it. 1. You inspire me. I admire your creativity and independence. Even in the face of adversity you somehow always seem to maintain a good attitude and persevere. We have been friends for a long time, and I don’t know if…

  • Complaining about something*,  Daily Junk*


    I am so done with this year… I haven’t enjoyed a single one of my classes. I have an essay to write tonight that I am just not even wanting to look at, and so instead I write in here. I know I’ll have to succumb to the essay eventually, just not yet. It’s some comparative/analytical essay about A Streetcar Named Desire and an essay in a big book that I haven’t really read. I figure I’ll just read it as I write the essay about it. I am a staaaar student. My marks aren’t bad, I’m just sick of my crappy profs and crappy classes. I’m still wiped after…

  • Handy Dandy Landlord / Apartment Junk*,  Exciting News*,  Complaining about something*

    100 Posts*

    This entry marks my 100th post!! How very exciting is THAT? I feel like this is a milestone in my blogging career that must be celebrated. I think I shall celebrate with a nap. And whyyyyyyy on earth would I celebrate with a nap? Well, because I am tired. That’s why. And whyyyyyyyy am I tired? BECAUSE THE STUPID FIRE ALARMS IN MY STUPID BUILDING WENT OFF AT 5 FREAKING AM AND STAYED ON FOR 20 MINUTES. THAT’S why. And after going downstairs to check with my landlord and all the other angry tenants to make sure that there really was no fire, I trudged back up to bed and…