• Handy Dandy Landlord / Apartment Junk*

    Home Sweet Home*

    I’ve been meaning to write this story for a while, but I keep forgetting. The hubs reminded me again recently, so I thought I’d get it down before I forget again. We have a front door to our apartment (as most apartments do) and on this front door, I like to hang things. I think having something nice on your front door makes it all the more inviting, don’t you? Anyway, as we were gathering things to move in together after the wedding, my mother-in-law threw us a wedding shower and gave us a ton of pretty basic things that one might need to start a home. Included among the…

  • Daily Junk*,  Exciting News*


    I’ve been so out of it these past two weeks that I haven’t even written to announce that I AM DONE!!! Third year is so over. I finished my take-home exam at 11:45pm on Wednesday evening, and I have been on summer vacation ever since. :) And what have I been doing with myself, you ask? Ab-sol-ute-ly nothing. And it’s been wonnnnnderful. I’ve been catching up on my shows, and watching movies! I just finished watching The Holiday and it has officially been added to my list of favourite films. SO good. The hubs and I have just been staying quiet… last night we finally started putting his mission photos…

  • Cool Stuff*,  TV Boyfriends*

    Office Fan?

    I’ve recently become a rather large fan of the office, and feel it’s necessary to add Jim Halpert to my list of TV boyfriends. I heart Jim. I LOVE the ongoing feud between him and Dwight… it makes my heart glad. haha ANYWAY, if you are a fan of The Office, then you will LOVE this gem of a clip I found on the net of a future episode. It’s AMAZING. Go. Watch. Love. Dwight Halpert Shop Girl*

  • My thoughts*

    Bratz Dolls Contribute to the Sexualization of Young Girls*

    Every so often I receive an email forward that is really worth passing along. I’ve never been a huge fan of the Bratz dolls– they are scantily clad girls who are “popular” and attractive to young women. They encourage young girls (as young as age 4) to dress provocatively to increase their own sexuality. Please take a look at this link and take a moment to send the letter to Scholastic Books to help the moment to discontinue bringing the Bratz books into our schools. Bratz Newsletter Thank you. Shop Girl*

  • Sleep Talk*

    Sleep Burping?

    Oh, I almost forgot… last night I learned that the Hubster is not only a fantastic conversationalist in his sleep, but he burps too!!! hahaha About 3am last night I woke up and thought I heard someone close the door on our fridge. I was likely still half dreaming, but the idea of there being someone in our apartment was enough to jolt me wide awake. As I laid in bed watching my Hubs sleep, he lifted his head up, burped, and then immediately fell back asleep. After determining that he was definitely still sleeping, I almost died laughing (as quietly as possible) because really, who is talented enough to…