Exciting News*

  • Exciting News*

    Christmas Parties and a Winner*

    *Copied over from the original Facebook post The issue with my blog is proving to be more complicated than we thought. M had his seriously perplexed face on while he began looking into it–what he thought might be a quickish fix is proving to be a little more challenging. I know he’ll figure it out, but in the meantime I’m just stuck here a little longer. Today was a gloriously full and busy day. It was after midnight when I finally rolled into bed. I was looking forward to a long stretch of sleep… which of course didn’t happen. P woke up yelling in this sleep sometime around 3, and…

  • Exciting News*

    From Me to You: A Giveaway!!

    I’ve been thinking a lot about gratitude lately. Do you know that I’ve been writing in this blog for twelve years now? Twelve years. That’s a long time. Somehow, even with my long periods of absence and sleep deprived writings I have this wonderful community of people who are still reading. I can’t begin to tell you how much your comments, post “likes” and messages mean to me–on my hard days when I wonder whether it’s worth it to keep writing at all, you are there. And I am just so grateful for that. So, as a way to say THANK YOU for being awesome I want to do Seven…

  • Exciting News*

    Ladies Night*

    I went out with some new friends last night. I totally fretted about what to wear, did my hair three times, and flew out the door in a hurry… only to realize that I had forgotten to put my wedding rings on when I was halfway down the street. I pulled over for a minute, debated what to do, then did a magnificent three way turn in my gigantic vanimal and went back home to get them. M found it rather hilarious. We all met at a venue I hadn’t been to in years–it’s a restaurant / lounge so it had a very different vibe than what I’ve become used…

  • Exciting News*

    Happy Hallowe’en!

    I saw a scrunchie today.   A scrunchie. A student in one of my classes as wearing it and I had to pass by her like 3 times to make sure I was actually seeing what I thought I was seeing. Finally I just stopped and asked, “Is that a scrunchie?” Her hand immediately flew to her hair where it was. She she smiled and said, “Yup! I have a few of them.” I could barely contain my excitement. I asked if they were “in style” again now, and she and a few other girls enthusiastically replied that they were. I love this. I know I live under a rock, but…

  • Kids,  Exciting News*

    She’s a Jack o’ Lantern!!

    Well folks, today was picture day for H and Miss S. She has done SO well not wiggling her turn tooth, even though I know she’s wanted to so badly. Yesterday was a PA Day for the kids, and M surprised us all by taking the day off so we could have a family day. S held up her end of the turn tooth bargain, so yesterday we packed all the kids in the vanimal and went on a little family adventure. With three small kids, I don’t spend a lot of time in malls. We go there once a year to get photos with Santa, but other than the…