• Goals*,  Running*

    My First Race*

    I was really, really hoping to write this post on Saturday night, right after I finished the race…. but then, you know, life happened. And now it’s Thursday and here I am! YAY! I swear days are simply blending together and I’m not sure when one ends and when one begins. My dad popped in for a visit today and asked me what I’d been up to the last few days, and I honestly couldn’t even remember. It’s been busy but not really busy and I just don’t know where time disappears to. *sigh* Anyway. So, I started running again. It’s taken me some time to ease my old, post-partum…

  • Goals*,  Running*

    My Running Goals*

    I recently joined a weight loss challenge with some other moms, and today is “weigh-in” day. I’m not going to lie–I was  nervous to step on the scale. I was able to get out running four times last week, but I didn’t eat terribly well while I was up visiting my parents on the weekend. (My dad bought these incredible baguettes and this to-die-for cheese… I won’t disclose how much of it I ate. ha) Thankfully I didn’t gain any weight, but I didn’t lose any either. I’m a little disappointed, but I know that this is a slow process, and nothing is going to happen until I improve my…

  • Goals*,  Complaining about something*,  Exciting News*

    Hello September*

    Hellooooo beautiful September. I am SO glad that we’re in a new month–I am so ready to put August behind me and pretend like it never happened. Aside from my ninth wedding anniversary with the Hubster (which we have yet to celebrate), August was pretty much a disaster. At the end of July I finally felt ready to commit to losing some weight and found the motivation I needed to do it. I started running again, but it felt like the universe spent the last month trying to prevent me from it. At the end of July I dislocated one of my ribs and I am still struggling with it.…

  • Complaining about something*

    Zombie Mom*

    I had every intention of crawling into bed and curling up into the fetal position until I passed out tonight (which would probably take… oh, six seconds or so). But as I brushed my teeth, I realized that I needed to write tonight. Today was hard, and I think that I neglect to write about the reality of parenthood sometimes. I’m always eager to share my good days, but sometimes the hard days are the ones I need to share most, so that I can remember that I did survive them… and that a brand new day always comes the next morning. My hard day actually started yesterday. Ruby had…

  • Complaining about something*,  Random Junk*

    That Time I Got Stuck in a Shirt at Target*

    Ah, long weekends. The Hubster decided to take yesterday off to make it an extra long weekend, and we had a wonderful day together as a family. We went for a run, played at a new park we found in our neighbourhood, went swimming, and spent a fortune buying things we probably didn’t need at Costco. Both the kids were tired, and by some happy miracle they were both in bed asleep by 8:30. One of our neighbours came over to visit with the Hubster, so I decided to go do something for myself: I went shopping. When you have kids, going to a store alone is almost as relaxing…