• Daily Junk*,  Running*

    A December Update*

    Has it really been a month since I lugged my desk up the basement stairs by myself and created my little kitchen nook so that I can write more often? (I still LOVE my kitchen nook, in case you were wondering. It’s my fav.) We’ve had a wonderful, busy month. Just after I last wrote I scrubbed my house from top to bottom to prepare for a visit with the Hubster’s mom! She flew in for a few days at the end of November and it was so lovely to have her here. We packed in as much as we possibly could during her time here, and we had so…

  • Exciting News*,  Cool Stuff*,  House Projects*

    That Time I Carried a Desk Up a Flight of Stairs by Myself*

    I AM SO EXCITED. I have long been lamenting the fact that I don’t have a proper space to sit down and write. I have a laptop, so technically I can write anywhere, but I have really missed having a desk. Three years ago I sold my big desk from my student days to make room for Ruby’s nursery. I didn’t mind as I certainly didn’t need such a big desk anymore, and I downsized to a smaller table-style desk once I started teaching again. It was in my living room, but as we then needed the extra space for Ruby’s play corner and I was trying to do most…

  • My thoughts*,  Crazy City Stories*,  Hank the Tank*,  Running*

    Eating, Hallowe’ening & a Jerk on a Bench*

    Oh, hi November. I can’t quite believe that it’s actually NOVEMBER, but here we are–the month before Christmas. Or, the month before the Christmas month. Or something. I feel like a lot has happened in the last few days. Hank is still not sleeping terribly well, but I feel like things are getting a bit better. He was waking almost every hour, but his stretches are beginning to lengthen out a little more, and I’m actually making it into my own bed… at least for part of the night. Progress! I’ve also had some success getting him to eat in the last two days. I’ve been giving the baby led…

  • Goals*,  Running*

    Running Goals – Phase Two*

    I’ve been trying to sit down and write all week, but the last few days have been a bit of a blur. And when I say blur, I really mean blurry eyes because Hank the Tank is still teething and has been waking up almost every hour at night. He is still such a cuddly sweetheart when he does wake up, but I’m pretty sure that I haven’t had more than two consecutive hours of sleep in the last two weeks. So, when I “wake up” (I use that term loosely because to me it implies that sleep has happened) in the morning, it usually takes me an hour or…

  • My thoughts*,  Complaining about something*

    A Little Frazzled*

    I’ve been feeling a little frazzled lately. Ruby has been a little under the weather for the past few days. I don’t think it was anything serious, but she had a bit of a fever and she was very snuggly. My poor little bean was either on my lap or on my heels for much of the last 48 hours.  Hank has also been up quite a bit at night as he just cut his second tooth, so my lack of sleep + their neediness during the day has left me feeling a bit frayed around the edges. My house also seems to be in a perpetual state of chaos…