Daily Junk*

  • Complaining about something*,  Daily Junk*,  Crazy City Stories*

    Weekend Adventures*

    The Hubster and I have had a very full, but nice weekend. On Friday I had a busy day of work and errands. I’ve been fighting to get books for a class I’m taking and so have been checking the library every morning to get the books that have been returned the previous day. I hate taking classes of a specific topic for this very reason. The library at my university is inadequate and doesn’t have nearly enough books to supply the need students have for them. So, we fight. Anyway, I got my books (I’m writing an essay about Nazi science and doctors for my German History course) and…

  • Church Stories*,  My thoughts*,  Daily Junk*

    This and That*

    I don’t have anything specific to write about tonight, I just realized that I hadn’t written in a week and decided it was time. So this will probably be a melange of my thoughts and things I’ve discovered recently. I’ve discovered a new artist that I absolutely LOVE. You need Adele. I can’t stop listening to her… her music, her voice, all of it– it’s amazing. Listen to “Chasing Pavements” and be converted. I’ve also been consumed by a series of books that I cannot put down. I love Gerald Lund, author of the Work and the Glory Series (which I have read twice), and was pleasantly surprised when I…

  • Complaining about something*,  Daily Junk*


    I just bought an agenda and I am rather excited about it. Because my life is going to be insane until April, I have decided to be super crazy organized so that I don’t lose my mind or flunk out of school. My life might not seem overly full to other people, but for me– it will be packed. Beginning next week, I will: 1) Return to my job at the university. (10 hrs a week)2) Begin my job with the school board. (6 hours a week, including travel time)3) Return to my volunteer position at FC. (4-5 hours a week)4) Hit the gym 2-3 times a week. (6 hrs…

  • Daily Junk*

    Holiday Update*

    So being a good blogger in December didn’t happen… *sigh*. Who knew that life could be so busy? Well let me catch you up a little then I’ll tell you all about Christmas. The month began absolutely FILLED with essays, tests and assignments. In some ways this was nice because it gave me virtually the rest of the semester free to focus on my teacher’s college applications, but it was a hellish 2 weeks. Thankfully it was ONLY two weeks and they passed quickly! I then had a week off to do everything else that I had slacked off on during the semester (ie: housework, Christmas baking & shopping, spending…

  • Daily Junk*,  Random Junk*

    Last Essay of 2007*

    I am writing my last essay of 2007… and I have absolutely NO drive to write it (hence my ending up writing in here instead). :) I can barely even call it an essay–it’s only 5 pages–it’s really just a big paragraph. The topic is even interesting, I’m writing about how the Nazi Archives have just finally been released to the public… way cool, right? I mean there are millions of documents that have been sealed since the end of the war that can now be accessed and studied… and yet, as interesting as it is to read about, I can’t even force myself to write about it. *sigh* Here’s…