• Random Junk*


    Woooo-weeeee. I knew that having our own home would keep us busy, but I really didn’t have a clue about how much work it would be! It’s glorious, fulfilling, magical work… but work nonetheless. I’m still slowly but surely picking away at boxes and other tasks that need to be accomplished. All of important items are all unpacked and away, but some of the things we don’t use on a regular basis have been sitting in their boxes until I have time to get at them. Tonight I tackled the spare room. It’s kind of been our catchall for the things that don’t yet fit in our office or bedroom,…

  • Exciting News*

    365 Days*

    One year ago today, I walked into the Pretty City School Board, signed some papers, and began my teaching career. A year ago today I was given my very first teaching assignment: elementary gym coverage. A year ago today, I experienced everything I was most afraid to encounter as a substitute teacher–grade 7’s, no lesson plans, and a subject that wasn’t one of my teachables. I survived. A year ago today, I ended an awful year of feeling like I wasn’t good enough. A year ago today I had hope. I love my job. It’s been a fabulous year. :)    

  • Summer of Dresses*

    A Summer of Dresses: Julie Bee*

    Hello lovelies!! I know my blogging has been a bit hodge podge lately, especially with my thrifting adventures. I promise to debut dress #3 before the week is out, and today I’m SO excited to continue my Summer of Dresses project with the fabulous Julie Bee! ———-   Hi everyone!! I’m Julie Bee from 101 Things in 1001 Days. I was totally pumped when Shop Girl asked me to be a guest blogger for her Summer of Dresses project. I immediately ran down to my closet and showed her all of the possible dresses that could be on her blog. Being close to 19 years old myself, I a few…

  • Random Junk*

    The Shoe Count*

    While I was at book club last week, my fabulous ladies and I started talking about my favourite subject: shoes. I can’t remember how or why it came up as we discussed Jane Eyre, but an interesting idea came forth from it. One of the girls asked me how many pairs of shoes I actually own, and I realized that I don’t know. Not only do I not know, I have absolutely no idea. In the days before I met the Hubster–when I was a student at Ghetto U–I was a die hard shoe-a-holic. At my peak, I owned 100 pairs of shoes. I had worked at a shoe store…

  • Exciting News*,  My thoughts*

    Performance Day*

    This is a post that has absolutely nothing to do with my new house. (Shocking, I know. haha) Yesterday was a very special day for me. I think I mentioned previously that I had been rehearsing for a small musical I was in. It was a production based on the parable of The 10 Virgins: Beautiful words and music give an identity and an individual story to each of the Ten Virgins. Each possesses a positive quality or virtue that could be wisely developed. But as their stories unfold, the struggles of their daily lives present each woman with choices that determine her path. Will she prepare herself with lamps…