• House Projects*

    The Story of the Sod Cutter*

    Seven days. I can’t believe it’s been an entire week since my last post. *bows head in shame* In my defense, things have been a little crazy around here. Being homeowners has been a series of adventures. And we all know that adventures make fabulous stories. Tonight, I have a marvelous story for you. It’s called The Story of the Sod Cutter. Once upon a time, a not-so newlywed couple moved into their very first home. They knew the house needed some tender love and care, but they were young and excited and decided they were up for the challenge. As the snows melted and spring crept out from beneath…

  • House Projects*

    My Secret Garden*

    My hands are blistered and my back is sore… but I have a garden!!! Well, sort of. I have a beautiful pile of soil ready for planting. The Hubster and I had a lazy sleep-in morning, then after puttering around the house for a bit we kicked into high gear. He went out to do some work at the back of the house, and after finishing up the dishes I decided to visit. We strolled around the disaster area that is our current back yard and dreamed about decks, patio stones and a fence that isn’t crooked. Our fence door isn’t quite high enough off the ground and gets stuck…

  • Complaining about something*

    Catching Up*

    So, I realized I totally failed on two counts yesterday. First, the second post that I had planned to write didn’t happen. Falling asleep on the couch did. Second, yesterday was the first Thursday of the month, which means I should have debuted Dress #3 for you. Sadly, I was just too tired to put it on write anything that would make any kind of sense and it just didn’t happen. Then I planned to write it today… and failed there too. *sigh* Tomorrow, my lovelies. Today I spent time organizing my kitchen and unpacking my office, while finally catching up on some of my shows. Between my course and…

  • House Projects*

    The House: Week 1*

    Oh heeeeey. Who knew that five days could feel like a year? Seriously. Last week feels like a total dream… but here’s a tiny glimpse of what we’ve been up to since I last posted: Saturday: Moving Day The most amazing group of people showed up at our door bright and early Saturday morning (8am) and helped us move from our apartment into our new house. We were mostly packed–there were just a few odds and ends laying around–but for the most part it was a smooth transition from apartment – truck – house. We had everything moved in by noon, and had the rest of the day to begin…