• Exciting News*

    Girls Night In*

    Well, the Hubs is out having a boys night playing hockey, so I’m here all by my lonesome curled up with my laptop, smelly candle (Pecan Pie is pretty much the best scent EVER), and girly music (see video posted below) and thought I’d post a lil something on here. For starters, thanks for all your input on the grad photos thus far! I appreciate your votes / comments as I still have no freaking idea which one to choose. haha! Last night I realized that I had only 5 options on the poll and there are 6 photos (I am not a math teacher, I promise) so I had…

  • Complaining about something*,  Photos*

    Grad Photos (Again)*

    **Annnnd I am an idiot. Jenny noticed that although there were 6 options to choose from, there were only 5 options on the poll… so I had to make a new one. Sorry friends. Sometimes I am not so bright. haha Okay folks, it’s time. Last year you were such a big help in my grad photo dilemma, and this year I need you more than ever. You see, I thought it would be a good idea to go get my photos taken at the conclusion of an exhausting day of teaching grade 7 (meaning that I left it until the absolute deadline and I had no other choice *sigh*)…

  • Exciting News*

    IT WORKS* (The Hubster Has Magic Powers)

    I have the best Hubster EVER. After my oh, so excruciatingly painful weekend fighting with my blog (which I tried not to exaggerate as he started his new job yesterday and I didn’t want to be a needy “I-can’t-do-anything-on-the-computer-wifester) tonight he made magic happen and… voila! It works! …or at least it should. If it doesn’t, I don’t wanna hear about it. …actually I do. But break it to me gently. I might snap. Be forewarned. ha I’m still playing with it / adding stuff to the new links so watch for that! Also, the link to comment is now at the top of each post, instead of the bottom.…

  • Complaining about something*

    Under Construction*

    I have spent the entire weekend fighting with my blog. Here’s the scoop–I’m bored. I’ve changed my background / template several times in the past year because I still haven’t found one that I feel is really… me. I would love to have one custom made, but I’m poor and not working and probably can’t afford it. Sooo… I have been trying to find a semi-decent free one that can tide me over until then. I found one that I thought was kinda cute, but it has been driving me nuts since I put it on. Sometimes the images work, sometimes they don’t. They appear to be working today when…

  • Cool Stuff*,  Random Junk*

    Take the Test*

    I feel like I just signed my entire life away. haha Today I attempted to be productive and spent the entire afternoon updating my license and health card information with our new address (but I still have to go in for the new picture… ugh), completing my passport application and fixing up the ol’ summer job résumé. I found a job that I reeeeeeally want right across the street. I think it’s destiny. I shall apply for said job tomorrow. It’s a secretarial job at a medical office which means sweet hours — no evenings or weekends — and a professional work environment (no more mothers coming in with all…