• Things to Know*,  Exciting News*,  Cool Stuff*

    Survey Results*

    So, after having my survey up for a week, an amazing FIFTY-SIX people completed my survey!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!! I really appreciate your feedback!! I’m going to leave it up for a few more days, so if you haven’t submitted your answers yet, please do! I wanted to share the results with you, so I’m a loser and made graphs to display them. :) My first question was: 1) Are you a regular reader of my blog?I loved the “other” responses through the whole survey… it allowed me to really see what people were thinking. It’s funny… even though I deliberately wanted the survey to be anonymous, I can definitely tell…

  • Ask Me Anything*

    Memorable Words*

    On Saturday morning, I posted this: Everyone has things they blog about. Everyone has things they don’t blog about. Challenge me out of my comfort zone by telling me something I don’t blog about, but you’d like to hear about, and I’ll write a post about it. Ask for anything: latest movie watched, last book read, political leanings, thoughts on slash, favorite type of underwear, writing techniques etc. Repost in your own journal so that we can all learn more about each other. I got some great responses, and I’ll answer them one at a time. I really liked what people suggested, so I think I’ll post this every so…

  • Random Junk*

    It’s Up To You*

    I found this on Anonymous’ blog and decided to borrow it. I’m finding all sorts of interesting things from other people this week!! Please read & leave your response in a comment and I promise you… if you ask me to write about something (within limits, obviously) I will be as open as I can about it, without divulging too many personal details (ie–names, cities, etc etc). Everyone has things they blog about. Everyone has things they don’t blog about. Challenge me out of my comfort zone by telling me something I don’t blog about, but you’d like to hear about, and I’ll write a post about it. Ask for…

  • Daily Junk*


    Last night was my university’s formal and I had SUCH a good time. I went quite early to help decorate a little as Dee needed a hand with the table center pieces, and I LOVE doing things like that. So I was there for an hour or two then headed back to Dee’s to do my hair as it takes me FOREVER because I have the world’s thickest hair. *sigh* It’s fun to get all dolled up every once in a while though… I feel like such a bum at school most of the time because I usually slap on a pair of jeans & a sweatshirt and away I…

  • Our Story

    Chapter Three* (The First Words)

    So, we finally met. I knew his name, and he could finally put my name in place of the “Lady Bug Girl” which he had been calling me up to that point. (he had wanted to meet me!!) However, things didn’t go quite as smoothly as I hoped. After meeting him late that night, for the next couple of weeks all I could get out of him was a quick smile and a wave. He was so stand-off-ish and I couldn’t figure out why… so I began to wonder if maybe he just wasn’t interested. I saw him nearly every Friday night for 3 – 4 weeks, and the more…