• Handy Dandy Landlord / Apartment Junk*

    Water Update*

    As of 10:36am this morning… WE HAVE HOT WATER!! It’s a miracle. They actually fixed it on time. Please please let this be foreshadowing of a good summer for water mishaps… haha Shop Girl*

  • Handy Dandy Landlord / Apartment Junk*,  Exciting News*

    Hot Water? What Hot Water?

    I called in sick to work this morning. However, I’m not actually sick. Would you like to know why I called in sick when I am not sick? Oh, I bet you do!! Are you ready for it??? …the no hot water saga has begun again. WOOOOOOO!! Last summer we marked a record high of days without hot water or any water at all in our apartment building. Isn’t that wonderful???? (**note: please read that last sentence with heavy sarcasm) It’s nice to have the morning off as it’s been a longish week, but not being able to shower makes me feel gross. As of right now the hot water…