• Our Story

    Chapter Eight* The First Kiss

    This is the story of how my husband and I met, got engaged, and were married within 8 months… …and lived happily ever after* Well, several of you were not impressed with how I left the ending of my last post… haha! I was sorely tempted to maybe just it be for a week or so and see what you thought… :) Before I begin this entry though, I’m curious… for those of you who are reading, are you enjoying it? Am I posting about it too frequently? Should I space out these entries? I’d love to know your thoughts– I’d hate to think I was boring you to tears!!…

  • My thoughts*

    And it just keeps coming…

    The sky is vomiting. Again. It started to snow around 2pm this afternoon and it has not let up since. And I’m not talking about little tiny flakes that don’t stay on the ground, I’m talking about Christmas snow–you know, the MASSIVE swirling flakes that cover anything and everything they touch. It is beautiful in December… not so much in late March. There is already about an inch and a half of snow on top of my little table on my balcony just from this afternoon. *sigh* Oh Spring, where art thou? Last year I posted an entry about my love / hate relationship with spring. Even though it isn’t…

  • Our Story

    Chapter Seven* The First Date

    This is the story of how my husband and I met, got engaged, and were married within 8 months… …and lived happily ever after* The morning after the concussion, Bo Bandy decided that he felt fine enough to drive, so we all headed back to the city. I looked hotter than EVER– as the stay over was impromptu, I had no change of clothes, no contact case, etc etc… based on my looks for the evening / morning, it really is amazing that he ever asked me out. haha!! Once the Hubster left to go home and I was back in my little residence room I did what most girls…

  • Daily Junk*,  My thoughts*

    Easter Nachos*

    I’ve had a relatively busy day, but I wanted to write a quick update before I embark on my essay for the evening (due tomorrow). Luckily it’s only 4 pages (so it’s really more like a paragraph) and it’s on poetry which is fairly easy to analyze. It might be a late night though. :) Church was… interesting. The talks were focused on the Saviour and on the atonement which was really nice. The last one was a touch long (the meeting ran 25 minutes overtime) but we survived. There were also a number of musical numbers today. The choir did their best and performed some simple hymn arrangements and…

  • My thoughts*


    I’m currently attempting to write a short presentation about Niger for my French class and have absolutely no motivation to begin. So instead, I came here. I’ve been thinking quite a bit about Easter today. I’m really missing my family (I haven’t seen them in 3 months and that’s quite a marathon for me) and this is the first year that we didn’t travel to be with family, either his or mine. Universities apparently don’t care about religious holidays and as a result do not mark Easter Monday as one, so it makes traveling anywhere difficult. This year it was impossible as the Hubs had a group meeting on Friday…