Beep Beep*

    I just had what some might classify a “blonde” moment. The Hubster and I are spending a quiet night at home tonight. We made dinner, cleaned a bit, watched a bit of a movie, and now the Hubs is on the phone with his parents. He decided that he wanted to call them on the new phone that he just installed on his desk (that we got on a wicked deal). We went to Home Depot earlier this week and bought the cable and parts he needed, then he spent an hour or so setting it all up. He’s hot when he’s handy. ;) So we haven’t really had a…

  • Daily Junk*,  Complaining about something*


    I just bought an agenda and I am rather excited about it. Because my life is going to be insane until April, I have decided to be super crazy organized so that I don’t lose my mind or flunk out of school. My life might not seem overly full to other people, but for me– it will be packed. Beginning next week, I will: 1) Return to my job at the university. (10 hrs a week)2) Begin my job with the school board. (6 hours a week, including travel time)3) Return to my volunteer position at FC. (4-5 hours a week)4) Hit the gym 2-3 times a week. (6 hrs…

  • Goals*

    Goals for 2008*

    Well, seeing as there is only 48 minutes left in 2007, I thought I’d take a minute to evaluate how I did with my goals for 2007 and adjust them to fit the upcoming year. So, without any further ado… 1. 2007: Exercise daily (ideally take up running again…)So… this didn’t really happen. haha! I was running for a while in the spring, but then life got in the way and I just kept forgetting. However, the Hubs and I are making a schedule to go to the gym together 3 times a week beginning THIS week so I am planning on getting in shape. 2008: Make a definite gym…