• Random Junk*,  Tookie Tribe*

    Holy Toot*

    We’ve just started planning our family Florida trip for 2008 and this year my dad has taken on figuring out all the logistics–who is sleeping where, travel plans, etc etc. He sent us out a long email today outlining the details with some very specific instructions, mostly tailored toward my often less than eloquent little brothers: “You need to prepare to be self-sufficient so your mother worries about absolutely nothing while on her vacation. You also need to keep the accommodations up to her standard so she will not worry at all. Ø No flop house standards.Ø Dishes washedØ Clothes away.Ø Bedding stowed away when not in use.Ø Bathroom spotless…

  • Love/Hate Relationships*

    Perez Hilton*

    I have a love/hate relationship with Perez. Here is why: I love Perez because he introduces me to new music. In the year that I have been reading his site, I’ve discovered Rhianna, MIKA, Adele, the Jonas Brothers, Paul Potts, Leona Lewis, and SO many more. I don’t know what I’d do without him. …at the same time his site is REALLY addicting. He posts so often which means I check it so often which means that I never get any work done because I have no self control. *sigh* I love Perez because though his site is primarily used to blog about celebrities, he also includes entries about things…

  • My thoughts*

    My Family*

    I have a funny family. If you know us, you’d probably agree. We’re a little loud and crazy, but we always have a good time. I started thinking today about how my little brothers have become increasingly tolerable and funny as they get older and that progressed to my analyzing the ways in which my family members are funny (I have a lot of time to think on the bus). I will share: Choppy, TEEP and Doodle Teep. In recent years (or months) Teep has become aware that there are other human beings in the world and is becoming more human himself. He communicates less with grunts and is beginning…

  • My thoughts*,  Daily Junk*,  Church Stories*

    This and That*

    I don’t have anything specific to write about tonight, I just realized that I hadn’t written in a week and decided it was time. So this will probably be a melange of my thoughts and things I’ve discovered recently. I’ve discovered a new artist that I absolutely LOVE. You need Adele. I can’t stop listening to her… her music, her voice, all of it– it’s amazing. Listen to “Chasing Pavements” and be converted. I’ve also been consumed by a series of books that I cannot put down. I love Gerald Lund, author of the Work and the Glory Series (which I have read twice), and was pleasantly surprised when I…

  • SMRT*,  Complaining about something*


    Last night the Hubs and I went to Price Chopper quickly to grab something for dinner on our way home from school. We had about 10 minutes before the bus came, so we were walking quickly to the store in order to have enough time to buy something and leave. Our Price Chopper has 2 drive in entrances, though one is classified as an “entrance” and the other as an “exit”. For pedestrians, the “exit” entrance is probably a better choice– it is less busy and it’s on level ground. However, it’s a further walk and is usually covered by groups of some of our city’s ‘finer’ youth who kind…