• Daily Junk*

    Much Better*

    So. My last 2 posts were kind of depressing. I’m in a better mood since then. I had a pretty great day today. My sister emailed me last night to apologize and make sure that we were okay, which I really appreciated. As well, quite possibly my favourite show in the history of favourite shows has begun again. Oh Jack Bauer, how I have MISSED you!! 24 is SUCH a good show. If you are not already watching it, SHAME ON YOU. You should. I also went to pick up my OSAP today, and learned that I was overcharged in September and am getting almost $300 back and because I…

  • Weight Tracker*


    So… last week sucked for the whole weight loss thing. I supposed a half pound less is a small step in the right direction, but seeing as I barely did anything to further my goal, I suppose it is to be expected. I lack motivation. I want to lose weight SO badly, but have absolutely no motivation to do so. Actually, it’s not even so much that I want to lose weight, but I want to feel good. I don’t feel good right now. I look at myself and think…. ugh. I want to be proud of the way I look. I want to be in shape. I just don’t…

  • Complaining about something*


    I apologize in advance because I’m going to be brutally honest about some things in this post. There are times when I cannot be around my family. I’m having one of those moments right. My sister just offended/hurt me so badly that I’m crying for the first time in about 3 months. I feel like she goes out of her way to make me feel like crap sometimes and I cannot understand why. I feel like we haven’t really had a relationship in years because I don’t think she understands me, and quite often I don’t understand her. We are very similar in some aspects, but are mostly completely opposite.…

  • Daily Junk*

    Holy Brrrrrrr*

    I cannot believe how cold it is here. I am in my hometown in the great white north and there is a 35 degree difference between here and southern Ontario. That’s gross. haha! Well, my mom, Spart, Peeah, Doodle and I all piled into the Spartmobile and drove for what seemed like EVER. We left at 6:30 and got here early this afternoon, so that was nice. Peah, Doodle and I were crammed into the backseat and only fought once! And really, in actuality, it was more of a political debate over voting. Peeah and I are not voters, while Doodle and Spart are. It was quite intense. haha We’re…

  • My thoughts*

    My Office*

    That’s right. I have an office. At the university. I’m just way cool like that. Actually, I share an office with about 13 other member of the organization I co-chair. But it does make me feel important to sit in my little office at school. I have a 3 hour break between my classes today and because I had a meeting in between I couldn’t go home, so I’m killing the time on here. It’s days like this that make me love my laptop with my whole heart. Who wants to spend their break productively when they can surf the net and write in their blog? We ordered clothing for…