• Weight Tracker*


    That’s how much I weigh at this very minute. 147.0 lbs. I have decided, as one of my goals for 2007, to try and get down to 135.0 lbs within the next few months. It’s still in my healthy weight range, and I think it’s doable. So every Monday I will track my progress and hopefully will be able to shed the pounds over the next little while. I went for a run today, for the first time in a long time. We have a b-e-a-uuutiful park near us and believe it or not, I’ve always been too nervous to go in there by myself. When we moved here I…

  • Quotes*


    I found this and thought it was really cute… it’s just some words to live by: Smiling is infectious– you catch it like the flu,When someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too.I passed around the corner and someone saw my grin,When he smiled I realized I’d passed it on to him.I thought about that smile and then I realized its worth,A single smile, just like mine, could travel ’round the earth.So, if you feel a smile begin, don’t leave it undetected,Let’s start an epidemic quick, and get the world infected!! Shop Girl*

  • Handy Dandy Landlord / Apartment Junk*

    New Faucet*

    The Hubster is taking a quick nap so I thought I’d take a minute to write in here. We’ve had a great weekend–we spent yesterday relaxing and my wannabe handy man Landlord came up to take a look at our bathroom faucet. The thing has been leaking almost since we moved in, and he’s already been up to fix it once. The first time he managed to get it to stop leaking for a few weeks, then it slowly increased once again. We live in an old apartment building so these things are sort of expected. We had the same problem in our kitchen this summer– the kitchen tap would…

  • Daily Junk*

    Blister on my Thumb*

    My thumb is very sore. You see, the Hubster showed me his new xbox 360 last night and showed me my new favourite game EVER called Feeding Frenzy and between last night and today I played entirely too much. It’s kind of like Hungry Hungry Hippos but for fish! haha… you start off as this little fish and you need to eat fish that are smaller than you while avoiding those that are bigger. As you grow you can eat bigger fish. It’s extremely addicting and now my thumb is paying for it. I don’t have controller hands apparently. haha Today was lots of fun! We slept in extremely late,…

  • Daily Junk*

    Miss me?

    So, I’ve sucked at blogging for the past two weeks. I have been busy, but really that’s no excuse. I made a goal to write regularly, if not at least once a day, and I’ve been a slacker. But I am back, I promise. I suppose part of why I’ve been slacking is that all of the blogs I normally read have not been updated in some time. I’ve not been impressed. *ahem ahem* And well, I HAVE A PIAAAAAANO. :) It is moved in and looking lovely in our cozy apartment. So that has been taking up a chunk of my time every day as I’m trying to get…