Weight Tracker*

  • Exciting News*,  Weight Tracker*

    Weighing In & Wedding Planning*

    Last week I told you all about my new fitness / weight loss challenge. I’m famous for making big plans and only sticking to them for a little while, so I thought I’d do something manageable and within my reach. Well, today is check-in day, and I am pleased to report that this week was a success! When I weighed myself last Tuesday I weighed 148.5lbs, and today I saw that lucky #7 and am down to 147.5! It feels so good to see some progress, as small as it may seem! I’m getting better at pushing myself out for a run every morning with the help of my super-secret…

  • My thoughts*,  Goals*,  Weight Tracker*

    Shop Girl Gets in Shape [Take: Two]*

    Hi lovelies, Let me just begin by saying thank you for the absolute outpouring of love and support I’ve received over the past 24 hours (re: last post). I had no idea so many people felt the same way I do, and it’s kinda nice to know that. :) Anyway, enough of the sap. I Fail Blog’ed after writing that and life was good again. haha! Yesterday I started running again, but this time I ran with a plan. I don’t know about you, but I always find it easy to work out when I am working towards something. Last year I wanted to be a hot bridesmaid for Peeah’s…

  • Weight Tracker*

    I Have a Big Bum*

    It’s true. I got all the bum for everyone in our family. Doodle, Peeah, Spart, Choppy and Teep all have small bums. And me? Well, I’ve got some junk in the trunk. I don’t mind it all that much to be honest. Peeah often has a harder time buying jeans because she has no bum to hold them on. I don’t have that problem. haha! Our waist size is very similar so we can swap clothes, but because of my large bum I often prefer a size bigger. I’m not into the “I-just-painted-my-pants-on” look. However, it is always exciting when I can try on a pair of her pants and…

  • Daily Junk*,  Weight Tracker*

    Family Day*

    So today was our first Family Day, and I must say–I heart it greatly. The ONLY way it could have been better would be if it hadn’t fallen during Reading Week and would have equaled a day off school. But alas, it was not to be. *sigh* Anyway, I started today off with a bang by sleeping in and then jumping on my little scale and learning that I’ve lost another 1.5 pounds! So I’m at a glorious 3.5 pounds lost. It doesn’t sound like much… but it’s nice to see the number getting smaller. haha! Really though, it’s amazing what you can do simply by changing your diet. I…

  • Complaining about something*,  Exciting News*,  Weight Tracker*

    Wits End*

    Time to vent. I am at a loss. I teach two afternoons a week at a local elementary school. I spend an hour of each afternoon with a group of grade 6’s, and a group of grade 3’s. My grade 6’s are great. A little rambunctious sometimes, but they listen to and respect me. My grade 3’s are a different story. If I can get through a PAGE of my lesson, then that’s a REALLY good day. I need help. If anyone out there in that great big world has any ideas/strategies for holding attention of kids who don’t want their attention held, PLEASE HELP ME. haha It’s so frustrating…