Shop Girl / Twin Adventures

  • Daily Junk*,  Shop Girl / Twin Adventures

    Salut mai*

    How is it even May already? I’m sure I could read through my previous blog posts to see where the year went, but really… May? It seems like yesterday it was September and I was praying for April to come… and here it is already May. Holy toot. Well, as you can see I’ve made some changes… thoughts? Do you like it? I’ve had a busy couple of days with all my computer updating. I’ve added / changed some things to my Facebook page, changed a few things here, and I’ve been working on some new additions to! The Hubster suggested I do some sort of a shoe gallery…

  • My thoughts*,  Shop Girl / Twin Adventures

    Watch out Martha…

    …’cause you ain’t got nothing on me! WOO. I’m officially domesticated. This weekend the Hubs and I had our Post-Thanksgiving Thanksgiving dinner and it was FAB-U-LOUS! It was our first “dinner party” together and a freaking loved it. I want to do it all the time–I’ve discovered that I love cooking! So, we invited about 15 people over to our little place and I think everyone had a great time! Dee came over early to help me cook, and together we prepared: Turkey & StuffingSlow Cooked Ham w/ brown sugar and pineappleSteamed BroccoliGreen beans & GarlicWhite TurnipsSweet Potatoes in a brown sugar sauceMashed PotatoesCarrots Ahhhhh it was so good. The…

  • Daily Junk*,  Shop Girl / Twin Adventures


    Okay. So yesterday was AWESOME. But before we get to that, a few updates for you. I survived the dentist, and as of now only have to go back for one repeat visit on the 8th. So should this end up being true, I’ll love my dentist and share my previous dentist monstrosity with you. As well, tonight I finished another class! That’s two down, and only one to go. I have an exam on Monday afternoon and then I am SOOOOOOOOO done. Yay for one month of summer!! hahaha So. Yesterday Twin, K and I went to Canada’s Wonderland (I can’t call it Paramount Canada’s Wonderland because some new…

  • Daily Junk*,  Exciting News*,  Cool Stuff*,  Shop Girl / Twin Adventures,  Complaining about something*


    Ah. SO much has happened in the past few days… I don’t even know where to begin. First things first–so, I exaggerated, and my stay at the inlaws was good. We were a little cramped and I had to do my hair and makeup with a tiny compact mirror for 2 days, but we survived. It now looks as though Dog Lover and Spiritual Voice are planning to live with D&D for an extended period of time though, so our visits might be cut back a little. We came home Sunday night, after I went out and shot Dog Lover and Spiritual Voice’s engagement photos. They actually turned out really…

  • Shop Girl / Twin Adventures

    Singin’ in the Rain*

    I really should have written about this yesterday, but I was tired and wet and just decided to watch a lot of Alias instead. haha! Yesterday Twin and I had class together, and as the prof ended early, we decided to to a bit of shopping downtown. I have completely converted her to a love of smelly candles, and so I was showing her the two craft stores downtown where I know that you can buy them. They are about 5-6 blocks apart, so we parked at one, then walked down to the other. As we were walking, we noticed the sky getting dark, but really didn’t think much of…