Random Junk*

  • Complaining about something*,  Random Junk*

    Hungry, Hungry Shop Girl*

    Sometimes I hate being hungry. I often get these bizarre cravings for something, but I can never put my finger quite on it. Sometimes I’ll crave a particular taste (salty) or texture (moist) or combination of foods (like rice with some kind of sauce). Right now I really want something but nothing that comes to mind seems to fit the bill. I caved and made myself a toasted peanut butter and jam sandwich, and despite it’s wondrousness, it didn’t quite hit the spot. *sigh* I don’t know about you, but there are usually particular foods I crave all the time… like rice krispie squares, chips, apples, Chinese food and popcorn.…

  • Random Junk*,  Teaching*

    Oh Puberty, Where Art thou?

    As you know, I am currently teaching a grade 7 class. I had a really good day today–for the first time since entering their class I finally felt like a real teacher and not some random lady with big hair who has invaded their classroom. They turn to me for help, and they are also beginning to let me get to know them and are sharing their work and interests with me. It’s pretty cool. It also means that we are becoming “closer” as they accept me as their teacher… but also proximity wise as I often sit with them to assist them in math (…ha) or whatever they are…

  • Random Junk*

    "C" is not Just for Cookie*

    A couple of weeks ago I found a new blog that I am absolutely in love with: Clever Girl Goes Blog. It’s funny and witty and just an all-around great read. This week, Tia (the author) was tagged in an ABC game, which she proceeded to pass on to other people. I was assigned the letter “C”, and I’m supposed to make a list of 10 things I love that start with that letter. SO. Here we go! My absolute first instinct was to write ‘chocolate’ (obviously... I am a woman after all…), but as I haven’t touched the stuff in six months, I’m going to pass. Instead, my 10th…

  • Cool Stuff*,  Random Junk*

    The Hoopitaur*

    I have a lot of nicknames. I could probably devote an entire post to the variety of nicknames I have (everything from Beef to Hoebag), but tonight I am going to focus on a more recent one and the bizarre request I’m attaching to it. Last week, due to the volume of assignments that I had due, the Hubster and I ended up going to bed quite late each night. One such night, in the wee hours of the morning, the Hubs and I were talking before falling asleep. I don’t know what happens before you fall asleep, but for me, I enter this kind of half asleep – half…

  • Random

    The Resolutioner*

    Sometimes the Hubster and I like to workout together. He has been teaching me how to play squash as well as use the weight room equipment properly. I get nervous being in the weight room by myself (it’s always full of men and I feel like an idiot.. haha) so I like when he is there. The other day the Hubster and I decided to go to the gym. We hadn’t been in some time, and so we decided to go after my last class. He had the day off, so he came to campus specifically for this purpose. I had a few classes before our “gym time”, so I…