My thoughts*

  • My thoughts*,  Daily Junk*

    Fridates and Saturdates*

    Today has been a gloriously full day. This morning I got to sleep in alllll the way until 8:15 which was FABULOUS (I’m usually up at 6:30am every day). Because our March Break is next week today was a PA day at my school so I didn’t have to teach, and I get next week off as well. I felt as though I should be productive on my morning off, so I cleaned my kitchen, dusted the living room, tidied things up and the Hubster helped me do 5 loads of laundry. Yes, five. I went on a mission to wash everything today. We did the sheets, the bathroom stuff,…

  • My thoughts*


    I’m not sure if I express enough (or maybe I express it too much) how appreciative I am of the man that I married. As I was sitting at my desk tonight contemplating whether or not I should work on my French, I heard yelling and screaming. At first I thought that the Hubster was watching some bizarre movie in the bedroom, but as I moved closer to the door I realized that it was coming from our hallway. My heart just about stopped when I listened to what was going on… our neighbours were screaming at each other, and the woman (who I think is about my age) shrieked…

  • My thoughts*,  Random Junk*

    Secret Bathrooms*

    I love secret bathrooms. You know, those bathrooms that are kind of out of the way and hidden so that not many people know about them. The ones that are almost always empty and almost always spotlessly clean. I found one this year now that I’m working on the 4th floor of our library. Before I found it, I was always using the bathroom before I left for work, or leaving work a little early to use my other semi-secret bathroom on campus. One day as I was bored at work I decided to do a little exploring around the 4th floor (as I’ve never really needed to come up…

  • My thoughts*

    New Look (again)*

    So… what do you think? I was bored tonight and decided to give my wee blog a bit of a face lift! Seeing as it’s been hideously cold here for the past few days I thought I’d go with a warmer look. :) For those who have already voted once (and perhaps twice) in my poll, I’m sorry… when I added the new template it deleted everything off and I had to start from scratch. Please vote again, and I promise it will be the last time! So this has been this evening’s project for me. Today was pretty uneventful… we got our new freezer [our old one died… :(]…

  • My thoughts*,  Daily Junk*

    Happy Valentine’s Day!

    I know I’m technically a day late, but the Hubs and I had a very busy day yesterday and so decided to celebrate today instead! The Hubs bought me these beautiful flowers (I love roses), wrote me an amazing card [as he always does… :)] and has been absolutely wonderful all week. We had originally planned to go out for dinner together, but in the end we decided to stay in and make dinner together. He cooked a fabulous steak, and I handled the vegetables. It was dee-licious. After dinner we curled up on the futon and watched the first half of The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. The…