Daily Junk*

  • Daily Junk*,  My thoughts*

    No News is Good News?

    So… remember how I told you yesterday that I would know what the heck I’m doing next year today? Yep. Not so much. haha! I waited alllllllllll day. No email. No phone call. No personal visit begging me to be a part of their program. *sigh* I did call the office, and it looked as though the guy I had spoken with wasn’t even in the office today… so I’m hoping I’ll hear on Monday. If not, I’ll call every 10 minutes until I know. :) On a happier note, my faith in humanity was restored today. Remember George? My sweet little Italian bus driver that makes me smile every…

  • Daily Junk*,  Shop Girl / Twin Adventures

    Salut mai*

    How is it even May already? I’m sure I could read through my previous blog posts to see where the year went, but really… May? It seems like yesterday it was September and I was praying for April to come… and here it is already May. Holy toot. Well, as you can see I’ve made some changes… thoughts? Do you like it? I’ve had a busy couple of days with all my computer updating. I’ve added / changed some things to my Facebook page, changed a few things here, and I’ve been working on some new additions to iheartmyshoes.com! The Hubster suggested I do some sort of a shoe gallery…

  • Daily Junk*

    Looking for New Music*

    Busy busy busy. Today I woke up early (after not getting nearly enough sleep because I stayed up waaaaaay too late playing Magic Pen) and went to work. There was another supply in the room today, and as much as I LOVE the teacher I work with, I almost really look forward to days when she isn’t there. When she isn’t there, the supply teachers really depend on me to run things as they don’t know the ins and outs of my class, so it ends up really boosting my confidence in the classroom! Today was one of those days. I hearted it. :) After work I was supposed to…

  • Daily Junk*,  Exciting News*


    DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! Today was TOTALLY a 3 llama day. This afternoon I handed in my LAST undergraduate essay. Did you hear that? LAST ONE DONE. I’m so giddy I can barely type. Haha! It was an absolute beast of a paper… when I finished it was 38 pages and 7,500 words long. I didn’t even know that I knew that many words. It was about propaganda used during the Vietnam War, and it was really difficult for me to write as it was a HUGE subject and I’m not terribly familiar with the material, but whatevs. It’s SO done. WOOOOOOO!!!!! Also, while I was on campus handing in the paper I…

  • Daily Junk*

    Busy as a Little Bee*

    It has certainly been a busy couple of days. Today was rather insane actually. I woke up at 6am because I couldn’t sleep anymore hoping that I would hear from my #1 choice for teacher’s college. Nothing has shown up on the screen and I have received nothing in the mail. I’m kind of freaking out because I heard that if the box next to the university is blank then that means that you didn’t get in. Any clarifications here? My box is blank. :( I’m not going to dwell on it TOO much until I have the letter in the mail, but I don’t think it’s a great sign……