Cool Stuff*

  • Cool Stuff*

    Young @ Heart*

    A while back a friend of mine sent me a link to a youtube video. When the video began to play and I saw a bunch of old people sitting on a stage, I thought “Oh geez… she videotaped her grandpa’s senior’s home Christmas concert?!” and I nearly turned it off. …but as my mouse slid toward the “x”, that group of old people began to sing and I was completely, utterly and wholly blown away. I spent the next hour watching every clip I could find on Young @ Heart, a New England Senior Citizen’s Chorus (who have become so famous that a feature film has been made about…

  • Cool Stuff*

    Stupider People*

    I actually posted this a lonnnnng time ago, but I felt that it was time to bring this back. Every day I am aghast at what I see and have to wonder: “What the heck were you thinking?!” And so, I turn to this because it makes me smile each and every time I read it. I hope you love it like I do. :) Stupid People – by Andy Rooney “Stupid people should have to wear signs that just say, ‘I’m Stupid.’ That way you wouldn’t rely on them, would you? You wouldn’t ask them anything. It would be like, Excuse me…oops…never mind, didn’t see your sign.’ “It’s like…

  • Complaining about something*,  Cool Stuff*,  Random Junk*,  Teaching*

    Spontaneous Dancing*

    Today was a disaster. Not so much so that I’d call it an utter complete failure of a day, but enough so to make me question my abilities of classroom management (aka: making sure the kids don’t kill each other… or me). Right now I just want to put it all behind me and I’ll reflect on it more tomorrow when there is a bit of distance between myself and today. For now, I want to share something with you that makes me deliriously happy. A T-Mobile commercial recently came to my attention that I have fallen MADLY in love with. I like to believe that this was not planned…

  • My thoughts*,  Exciting News*,  Cool Stuff*

    Google Me*

    A little while ago I read a post by one of my favourite bloggers (Tia) that had to do with Google Analytics. Google Analytics is one of the nifty little site trackers I use to monitor my website’s statistics (blah, blah, blah). Anyway. One of the things this site tracks are the keywords people use to find your site through search engines. So, I got to thinking–how do people find me? Having never really examined the list before her post, I scanned my Google keywords and discovered these little gems: “25 things about me love to doodle”I think it would be a wee bit more correct if that read “25…

  • Cool Stuff*


    I just got home from chaperoning my first high school dance (where I TOTALLY got to bust a kid for something… more on this later) but you are going to have to wait until tomorrow to hear about it. I’m still sickish, I’m exhausted, and I still have a ton of lesson-planning to do. My AT is away tomorrow, so I will be teaching for the bulk of the day with a supply teacher to assist me, if needed. SO, that means I need to be super prepared so the kids won’t eat me alive tomorrow. Eek! However, as I cannot post all the glorious teenage bum-grabbing-slow-dancing I witnessed until…