Complaining about something*

  • Complaining about something*,  Daily Junk*

    Here I am*

    Well, I’m finally back. Actually, I got back into Ontario on Friday night, but I guess I’ve been avoiding writing on here because there’s so much to write about and I don’t even know where to begin. First off, my trip was wonderful. I wish so much that the Hubster could have been there to share it with me, but it was great getting to spend almost a solid week with my family. We normally only get to see each other for a couple of days at a time, so this was really nice. The weather was beautiful right up until the evening we left, so that was totally doable.…

  • Complaining about something*,  Exciting News*,  Weight Tracker*

    Wits End*

    Time to vent. I am at a loss. I teach two afternoons a week at a local elementary school. I spend an hour of each afternoon with a group of grade 6’s, and a group of grade 3’s. My grade 6’s are great. A little rambunctious sometimes, but they listen to and respect me. My grade 3’s are a different story. If I can get through a PAGE of my lesson, then that’s a REALLY good day. I need help. If anyone out there in that great big world has any ideas/strategies for holding attention of kids who don’t want their attention held, PLEASE HELP ME. haha It’s so frustrating…

  • Complaining about something*

    Too Particular*

    So I’ve decided today that I am too particular. I’ve been rather ill the past few days with a head cold thing, and I really didn’t feel like cooking tonight so the Hubster offered to make dinner. So he made me some spaghetti– or rather, he tried to… I couldn’t help going into the kitchen to make sure everything was done (right) and stirred the sauce and noodles, drained the noodles, and served the meal. Basically, I took over. I don’t know how, but I’ve become that person. I’m so particular about how I like things that I couldn’t just sit back and let him cook. And it was spaghetti…

  • Complaining about something*

    Hit By A Truck*

    …well, figuratively speaking. Remember that cold I was complaining about a couple of days ago? Well, it attacked last night with full force and knocked the wind out of me. I felt fine all day, then when I got home my body died. I ached everywhere and my nose wouldn’t stop running. I had a horrible sleep last night because I woke up every 15 minutes because a) I had trouble breathing, or b) to blow my nose. It was faaaaantastic. I still felt rotten this morning so I stayed home, and thankfully my professor canceled my evening class so I didn’t have to trek to campus at all today.…

  • Complaining about something*,  Weight Tracker*,  My thoughts*

    Not Impressed* (145.5)

    As you know, I am one of 3 co-chairs of an organization at my university. There are really only supposed to be two–this year was somewhat of an exception. Last fall I was a leader for Frosh week, and while I was there I was approached by a friend to see if I could fill a position on a organizational team (OT) for a group at the university. I said, ‘sure, why not’. Mind you, I was also delirious I was so sick from lack of proper nourishment and lack of sleep. Anyway, so I got involved. The position I stepped in to fill was the junior co-chair position, as…