Complaining about something*

  • Complaining about something*,  Handy Dandy Landlord / Apartment Junk*


    I’m so mad I don’t even know what to say. I hate my apartment building so much. Before I explain what just happened, let me explain that we have a storage locker in our basement. We use it to store our excess things (Christmas tree, etc) and last summer I kept my bike down there. Until someone broke the lock off and stole it. Luckily it wasn’t an expensive bike, but the fact that someone actually went in and stole it really upset me. Today it happened again. Not my bike (I smartened up and began keeping my bike out on our balcony with the hubs’) but I went down…

  • Cool Stuff*,  Shop Girl / Twin Adventures,  Complaining about something*,  Daily Junk*,  Exciting News*


    Ah. SO much has happened in the past few days… I don’t even know where to begin. First things first–so, I exaggerated, and my stay at the inlaws was good. We were a little cramped and I had to do my hair and makeup with a tiny compact mirror for 2 days, but we survived. It now looks as though Dog Lover and Spiritual Voice are planning to live with D&D for an extended period of time though, so our visits might be cut back a little. We came home Sunday night, after I went out and shot Dog Lover and Spiritual Voice’s engagement photos. They actually turned out really…

  • Complaining about something*


    Hey! You know what’s really fun? Reformatting your computer. Really. You should try it. It’s a BARREL of laughs. Let me explain how it works for you… 1. You attempt to get on the internet to listen to a session of General Conference.2. After several unsuccessful attempts, you hand the laptop over to your handy-dandy-fix-it Hubs who also unsuccessfully attempts to connect to the internet.3. You give up for several hours before discovering that the problem is with Windows, and not the IBM software.4. You take everything off your computer and begin again as it came out of the factory.5. You realize that you don’t know where the Thinkpad Recovery…

  • Complaining about something*,  Daily Junk*


    I am so done with this year… I haven’t enjoyed a single one of my classes. I have an essay to write tonight that I am just not even wanting to look at, and so instead I write in here. I know I’ll have to succumb to the essay eventually, just not yet. It’s some comparative/analytical essay about A Streetcar Named Desire and an essay in a big book that I haven’t really read. I figure I’ll just read it as I write the essay about it. I am a staaaar student. My marks aren’t bad, I’m just sick of my crappy profs and crappy classes. I’m still wiped after…

  • Complaining about something*,  Handy Dandy Landlord / Apartment Junk*,  Exciting News*

    100 Posts*

    This entry marks my 100th post!! How very exciting is THAT? I feel like this is a milestone in my blogging career that must be celebrated. I think I shall celebrate with a nap. And whyyyyyyy on earth would I celebrate with a nap? Well, because I am tired. That’s why. And whyyyyyyyy am I tired? BECAUSE THE STUPID FIRE ALARMS IN MY STUPID BUILDING WENT OFF AT 5 FREAKING AM AND STAYED ON FOR 20 MINUTES. THAT’S why. And after going downstairs to check with my landlord and all the other angry tenants to make sure that there really was no fire, I trudged back up to bed and…