Complaining about something*

  • Complaining about something*,  Random Junk*

    Hair Rules*

    I cut my hair today. I have long very thick not quite curly but not quite straight hair that often drives me nuts, but for the past couple of years I somehow became a bi-annual hair chopper. I had it in my head that if it wasn’t six months since my previous hair cut, I didn’t need a new one. Hah. I cut my hair in early December at a salon I know (and trust) in Btown. I went in with the idea that I needed to cut off a couple of inches to lighten the weight and I wanted trim my bangs. Pretty simple, no? I got in there,…

  • Complaining about something*

    Must. Sleep. Now*

    This week needs to be over. Like right now. I am so so so tired. It has been an INSANE week!!! My associate teacher (AT) has already been away two days this week, which means the amount of planning and organizing I do triples. I have the unfortunate disadvantage of needing to learn all these subjects before I can teach them, so it takes me forevvvvvver to plan lessons. *sigh* It’s not all bad though–when I’m on my own (with a supply teacher being paid to sit at the back and watch me) it becomes my class… and I get to know the students on a different level / gain…

  • Complaining about something*,  Cool Stuff*,  Random Junk*,  Teaching*

    Spontaneous Dancing*

    Today was a disaster. Not so much so that I’d call it an utter complete failure of a day, but enough so to make me question my abilities of classroom management (aka: making sure the kids don’t kill each other… or me). Right now I just want to put it all behind me and I’ll reflect on it more tomorrow when there is a bit of distance between myself and today. For now, I want to share something with you that makes me deliriously happy. A T-Mobile commercial recently came to my attention that I have fallen MADLY in love with. I like to believe that this was not planned…

  • Complaining about something*,  Random Junk*

    Hungry, Hungry Shop Girl*

    Sometimes I hate being hungry. I often get these bizarre cravings for something, but I can never put my finger quite on it. Sometimes I’ll crave a particular taste (salty) or texture (moist) or combination of foods (like rice with some kind of sauce). Right now I really want something but nothing that comes to mind seems to fit the bill. I caved and made myself a toasted peanut butter and jam sandwich, and despite it’s wondrousness, it didn’t quite hit the spot. *sigh* I don’t know about you, but there are usually particular foods I crave all the time… like rice krispie squares, chips, apples, Chinese food and popcorn.…

  • Complaining about something*

    The Sickness*

    Ugggggggggggggggggggggghhh. That pretty much sums up the way I’m feeling right about now. I’ve known the sickness was coming for several days now… by last Wednesday I couldn’t get warm no matter how hard I tried, even though the Hubster was sweating to death in our little heat-controlled senior’s apartment. By Saturday my muscles were achy and sore. I did everything I could to try and prevent it–I slept a lot, drank a lot, ate fruit and veggies, and even ate a grown up vitamin! (I don’t like grown up vitamins because they are big and hard to swallow… so the Hubster buys me children’s Flintstone vitamins instead. haha!) Well,…