• House Projects*

    The Closet Dilemma*

    I need some help. We are still plucking away at our bedroom reno. It’s been a slow process because we’re doing it ourselves, we have children, M wasn’t feeling well all weekend, we have children and.. we have children. You know. We can only work in bits and spurts when they are happily entertained or sleeping. We’re almost through the “repair” part of the process, and of course when I say “we” I of course mean M. He has been repairing the drywall, patching holes, sanding uneven spots, edging our ceiling, etc, etc. Next up is painting the ceiling, then we get to the fun part: painting the walls and…

  • My thoughts*,  House Stuff*

    Monday Meal Planning*

    I feel like P and I are settling into a nice little rhythm with our days now that the big kids are back in school. At first he was devastated dropping them off every day, but once he realized that we pick them up again later, he’s been great. After we drop S & H off at school, we usually go for a little jaunt around the neighborhood. I release him from his prison (aka: the stroller) and he loves to run and examine every single stick and rock that we pass on the sidewalk. On Mondays we usually slip out to get groceries, and I’m trying to get back…

  • Complaining about something*

    The Sparest of Spare Rooms*

    We had a “home day” today. We normally attend church on Sunday mornings and I don’t like to miss, but we were all so burnt out and tired that we decided just to take it easy. M still wasn’t feeling great and P has H’s cough of last week, so we thought we’d spare our friends and keep it to ourselves. Whenever we have a day to be at home, the kids call them “home days”. They count down each week to Friday when they know they and M (and now me I guess!) will all have two home days with no school or work. It was really nice to…

  • My thoughts*

    Batman & Robin*

    Tonight I’m probably going to embarrass M (my husband) a little. I saw something this morning and it was just such a perfect moment that I want to preserve it forever. He didn’t even know I was watching at first, which is partly why it was so perfect. This morning was a little chaotic. P has caught the family cold and was whiny, the big kids were restless and fighting and we knew we had to start our bedroom reno today. We managed to clear the room out before the kids exploded downstairs, then as I stripped beds and began the 50 loads of laundry I had to do today…

  • My thoughts*

    The Storm*

    I’m currently sitting cross legged on my couch, nursing a cup of hot chocolate while I bask in the glow of my inexpensive IKEA lamps. My living room is a mess of toys and shoes, and there’s remnants of someone’s snack mashed into the carpet. I’d like to say the kids are all tucked in and fast asleep upstairs, but I just heard P open the door so clearly sleep is not happening yet. Whatever. If I pretend I didn’t hear the door open he might just slink back in and go to bed. (A mom can dream, right?) Despite the mess and the crumbs and the shoes and the…