• My thoughts*

    Saturday Somethings*

    Do you ever have those weeks where you just feel… uninspired? All summer I’ve been busting with things I’ve wanted to share with you and write, and then this past week it was like all that creativity vanished. I know it probably has a lot to do with the stress I’ve been under (which got so bad that I couldn’t sleep one night last week) but thankfully that’s lightened a little bit now that I found a little job. I start work next Tuesday, so I’ll let you know how it goes. :) But here’s a little catch-up on where I’ve been all week (physically and mentally. haha). —— First…

  • Exciting News*

    Shop Girl Gets a Job*

    (image found at: http://media.photobucket.com/image/shop%20girl/ashcanrantings/shopgirl.jpg) I got a job. :) After handing out more than 60 resumes and more than 3 long months of unemployment, today I finally found a little part time job right across the street from where I live. It’s not in my “field” and it’s not terribly glamorous, but it’s a job. That pays money. I like that. Thanks for all your congratulatory messages via Twitter (add me!!)– you guys are all amazing. I start next week and it should leave me enough time to beg a nearby principal for a teaching position volunteer at a high school and make some connections. At least it’s something–you’ve gotta…

  • Shop Girl Shares*

    Shop Girl Shares People of Walmart & What God Has Joined Together…

    I wasn’t sure if I was going to write this post this week. The past couple of weeks I’ve noticed a dwindling response to my Shop Girl Shares posts (traffic, comments, etc) and the last thing I want to do is bore you! So I put up my poll to see how you felt and the majority of you still like this thing so I’ll keep doing it for now! :) I am going to tweak it just a little though–I’ve noticed that you (in general) seem to like it best when I post about blogs I’ve found and love so I’m going to highlight at least one every week,…

  • My thoughts*

    She Fail*

    **Have you voted in my poll yet?? —> (image found at: http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/_/32970873/Shakira++She+Wolf.jpg) Dear Shakira, We’ve been friends for a long time, you and I. I have loved your music since the Whenever, Wherever days and my friends and I even choreographed a dance to match the song (complete with not-so sexy crawling moves as seen in your video. Sadly, my mom wouldn’t let us bring mud into the house to make it complete. Mothers. *sigh*). I think your voice is amazing because it is SO unique and your sound is so… original. I covet your fabulous hair with great coveting, and wish my Hips Didn’t Lie like yours. Really, there…

  • My thoughts*

    You Know You’re In A Small Town When…

    Have you voted in my poll yet?? —> The Hubster and I went on a bit of an impromptu vacation combining business with leisure this week. After meeting my new little niece (Pea) on Sunday, we hopped in the car and drove to the beautiful boonies. The Hubs was there for business, and as I had some free time I decided to tag along. It actually worked out perfectly as I had a friend from high school who lived nearby who had the week off and we got to see each other after nearly 2 years. It was a teeny, tiny little town, much like where I grew up in…