• Exciting News*,  Weight Tracker*

    Chocolate Free Since Aug. 23*

    (image found at: http://www2.worthingtonlibraries.org/teen/blog/Image/icons/chocolate.jpg) …of 2008. That’s right lovelies–today I have been Chocolate-Free for an entire year. I’ll pause for a minute to let that sink in. *pause* Annnnnnd I’m back. haha! A year ago I decided that I needed to change my diet as I was running 3 – 5km every day but still wasn’t losing any weight. At the time Spart had also decided to forgo chocolate, so I decided to do it with her, thinking it might help. …the first week I stopped eating it I lost 3lbs. *hangs head in shame* I’m not sure how much I was eating back then, but it was a lot.…

  • Complaining about something*

    Dear Snobby Shoe Company* (aka: my HORRENDOUS Job Interview)

    **Update — see bottom of post Dear Snobby Shoe Company, Thank you for giving me the opportunity to interview with you on Wednesday. I was quite excited for the interview (it’s a shoe company… hello) and even spent some time reviewing potential interview questions so that I would be quite prepared. Having shopped at your stores before, I was familiar with the “style” of your employees and even attempted to dress in a similar manner. As I rode the bus to the interview I was feeling quite positive. If there’s anyone who knows shoes–it’s me. I have nearly 5 years experience working in the industry and every job I’ve ever…

  • My Poetry*,  My Wedding*

    To the Man I Love*

    Four years ago today I put on a big white dress (and cute white sandals) and married my Hubster. There were no doubts, no second thoughts–just more love than I ever thought possible. In that moment I had no idea how our life would turn out, I only knew that I could no longer imagine life without him. Someone once told me to treasure every day because they will fly by, but I had no just how quickly the years can pass. I honestly can’t believe that it’s already been four years–that’s like officially out of “newlywed” territory! We’re oldie-weds now! We’re off to enjoy a nice dinner together and…

  • My Wedding*,  My thoughts*

    Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend*

    (image found at: http://www.solarnavigator.net/history/explorers_history/diamond_brillanten.jpg) As our wedding anniversary is quickly approaching, I like to dream about things the Hubster might buy me… and this year I can’t stop thinking about diamonds. After all, they say diamonds are a girl’s best friend, right? Four and half years ago the Hubster got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I saw he had an engagement ring in his hands, but I was too busy saying yes to his beautiful proposal ten times to really get a good look at it. It was much later, after he’d left for the evening, that I really got a chance to meet my…

  • My thoughts*

    Random Tuesday Ramblings*

    I tried so hard to make a vlog for you. SO hard. Alas, it was not to be. I have watched many, many of the vlogs you lovelies have posted though and I hearted them greatly. I WILL do the next one once I get my computer-savvy Hubster to teach me how. :) (vlog = Video Blog for you “non-bloggers” out there) ————– I woke up this morning and realized that somehow it’s already halfway through August. I’m not entirely sure how this happened, but my calender assures me that it is indeed August 18th. Where on earth has this summer gone? Has it flown by for anyone else? I…