My Wedding*

  • My Wedding*

    He Finally Believes He’s Married*

    **New exercise post!!! This should really be a post somewhere in Our Story* but I couldn’t wait to write it. So you’re getting a post a little out of sequence… but I don’t think you’ll mind. haha!! Now you may be wondering–what the heck does she mean by that title?? Let me enlighten you… the Hubster and I have been married for just over three years. Three years, two months and fourteen days, to be exact. I could also break it down into weeks, days and hours for you, but the gist of it is that we’ve been married for a while now. Right? Right. Well, it’s taken the Hubster…

  • My Wedding*,  Cool Stuff*

    Three Glorious Years*

    Today the Hubster and I have been married for 3 years. I cannot believe it’s been so long… people told me it would go by quickly, but sheesh! They flew! But then again… time does fly when you’re having fun, and living life with the Hubster is better than I could have ever possibly imagined. I am one lucky lady. :) I also think you should know that I have a freaking amazingly talented and wonderful sister who gave me the best anniversary gift ever. We didn’t have a videographer at our wedding as it was too expensive and Spart hadn’t yet discovered / developed her talent for it yet!…

  • My Wedding*

    Dear Lilac Dreamer*

    This is a response to Lilac Dreamer‘s most recent post. You will note that midway through her post she states the following: “For instance, the fun of the chicken dance has been banned…I know, collective ‘AWWW‘…but what can ya do?” For those of you who do not know what the “Chicken Dance” is, please watch the following video. If you DO know what it is, this video is a clip from the 2003 East Coast Polka Championship Chicken Dance Finals. That’s right. I said Chicken Dance Finals. As in a contest. For Chicken Dancing. If you skipped the video, watch it now. hahahahah Anyway, I digress. If you have read…

  • My thoughts*,  My Wedding*


    Tonight I feel a burning desire to share with you why I am married to the best man in the world. As I’ve been sick the past few days and he has been faithfully taking care of me (and shamelessly pampering me) I am just overwhelmed that this man chose me to be his eternal companion and I continue to fall deeper in love with him every day. Here are a few reasons why: 1. He loves me. Unconditionally. I can be a difficult person or a wee bit stubborn at times, but he is so patient with me and waits for me to work things out. 2. He pushes…

  • Exciting News*,  My Wedding*

    Little G’s Wedding*

    Little G is MARRIED. I can hardly believe it. Even though he’s only 2 months minus 2 days younger than I am, he’s my Little G! And now he’s married. :) Well, let’s start at the beginning. I went up on Tuesday so that I could spend some time with my family as well as be available to help Little G with anything that he needed. I’m glad that I went– we got to spend some time together before he became a married man and it was lots of fun helping him to not be stressed. I’ve decided that weddings are entirely so much more fun when they aren’t your…