My thoughts*
Have no fear, the Proposal is below this post*
Don’t worry, the actual proposal chapter–yes, the one were he actually spoke the words “will you marry me”–is right below this one. I just wanted to preface it a bit. Thank you to everyone who helped me with my poll, I’ve made some changes that will hopefully help my blog load faster. Please let me know if it helps. :) I have wanted to write this chapter for a couple of days now, but I had a small hold up. Sometime during the past week or 2 many of our photographs stored on the Hubster’s computer were lost, including the ones we took the night we got engaged. Fortunately we…
Before the Bloom*
I used to write… a lot. As a child / teenager I wrote something every day… be it a journal entry or short story, but most often I expressed myself through poetry. When I moved for the first time I stopped writing completely. I was (initially) so devastated about moving to Btown that I gave up what I loved most–my writing. University and the constant demand for academic essays removed any remaining desire to write… until I started writing here. I’ve even started writing poetry again… but before I’m brave enough to share anything new with you, I wanted to post the last poem I wrote as a teenager. I…
I am officially a university graduate. It’s kind of unreal… while I was going through them the last 4 years of school seemed to drag on forever and never end, but now that they are finished, I’m not quite sure where they went. It seems like yesterday that my Dad sat me down in his office two days before the university acceptance deadline and gently (albeit firmly) told me that I needed to choose a direction for my life and go to school. I was devastated at the time as I chose to take it like he was kicking me out, and I was terrified about my future. I had…
Back in Business*
We are back in business!! I don’t know how many of you noticed, but my little blog was broken for most of the weekend, hence my lack of posting. The main page was the only thing that was working, all my links were busted. *sigh* However, we should be completely up and running at 100% today! My weekend minus my Hubs was (happily) cut short– he came home a night early and surprised me. :) I did survive my night alone though… after scaring myself silly with all the noises in my building I fell asleep with You’ve Got Mail, the phone in my hand and a chair propped underneath…
Sleepless in Senior’s City*
Can you guess what movie I’m watching? :) I needed a feel good movie tonight… I JUST finished watching The Thorn Birds, and even though the mini-series isn’t nearly as good as the book (which is AMAZING–if you haven’t read it, GO NOW AND FIND IT) and even though the acting was terrible, I still bawled at the ending. Like tears rolling down the cheeks, heavy breathing, kleenex grabbing bawling… it was so moving. It also didn’t help that the Hubster is off on an adventure this weekend and I’m on my own… so I decided to bond with Tom and Meg. I love this movie more than life itself.…