My thoughts*

  • My thoughts*

    Body Language*

    (via: So lately my body and I have started communicating… well, I suppose it would be much more correct to state that lately my body has been communicating more openly with me. I only just started listening. It’s no secret that I’ve had a lot on the go these past few months. I was also just called as the Young Women’s President for my church (which basically means I get I “oversee” the female half of our youth program) and while I’m very excited about it, it’s also just one more thing to work into my already full schedule. My mind is constantly processing how to work things into…

  • My thoughts*,  Goals*

    Looking Back on 2009*

    (via: I know I’m technically a few days late with this post, but I knew it would take me a while to get through and I didn’t want to write it in pieces, so, here I am… three days late. I figure that as long it’s still the first week of January it’s still fair game! haha Oh 2009… where to begin. In January I “finished” school. By the end of the month I had completed the in-class portion of teacher’s college and only three placements stood between me and graduation. Completing my last university exam was such a surreal feeling, but dang it felt good! February and March…

  • My thoughts*,  Complaining about something*

    December: A Recap*

    (via: My, my, my… December 29th already? I feel like I’ve been saying that every day this month but I can’t even handle how quickly the days have flown past. Sooo… December was a little bit of a write off for me. I’m rather ashamed to admit that it’s been more than two weeks since my last post. *sigh* Life passed the busy stage long ago and the past few weeks have been a whirlwind. It’s rather obvious that I haven’t been here, so here’s what I’ve been up to: Christmas Letters*Yes, even though I usually have it posted here for you to read by now, I did find…

  • My thoughts*,  I'm an Auntie*

    …but I blogged yesterday, right?!

    As I was folding Christmas letters and stuffing them into envelopes this afternoon I thought to myself, “Gee, it feels like I haven’t blogged in forever.” Then I thought, “But I’m suuuuch a good blogger. That can’t possibly be true.“ (It’s true. *sigh*) Oh my lovelies, can you ever forgive me for my neglect? I’ve sort of fallen into this place where I think about something I want to write about, but by the time I get home from wherever I was where I thought of it I’m usually too tired and just want to feed my current Criminal Minds obsession or get caught up on things I’ve neglected around…

  • My thoughts*

    Shop Girl Doesn’t Share*

    Today I faced a very difficult decision before I left for work: write a Shop Girl Shares post or clean my bathroom. The bathroom won. As did the three loads of laundry and groceries I hurried to finish before being called into work early today. *sigh* I’ve been a complete failure at getting these done the past few weeks, and I think I need a wee break. Work has been a bit nuts, and I’ve still got school, volunteering and now rehearsals jammed into the mix. I got a couple of great suggestions from last week’s post, and once I’ve read them a bit I’ll post my thoughts. Thank you…