
  • Kids

    Operation “Mean Mom”

    Operation “Mean Mom” starts today. I’ve noticed that my kids have been gravitating more and more to their screens. After we had the baby we definitely relaxed our rules about their Nintendo or iPad time, but lately I’ve noticed it’s ALL they want to do. They’re great when they are outside with their friends, but as soon as they come in or their friends aren’t available, it’s like they’ve forgotten how to entertain themselves without a screen in their hand. It came to a head on Saturday when they asked about 1937282 times if it was time to play Nintendo yet… and moped around every time I said no. So,…

  • Kids,  Mom Stuff,  I Can Do Hard Things*,  H*

    The First Solo Drive*

    Guess who just did a two hour solo drive with all four kids??? 💪 M is back at work and I wanted to see my parents, so I decided to brave the drive on my own. Two kids slept and one kid puked but we made it in one piece! I used to get so so carsick as a kid. My siblings will attest that pretty much any time we were in the car for more than an hour I’d get sick–I almost derailed a Florida trip when we were little because I got SO sick. Thankfully I grew out of it as I got older. I seem to have…

  • My thoughts*,  Kids

    I’m a Proud Mama*

    We go to church on Sundays. I almost feel like that’s almost a “taboo” thing these days and am sometimes shy to tell people we do for fear of being judged for it. Even as I wrote that sentence out I felt silly for writing it, but there it is. I know it’s maybe not the most common thing anymore, but our family goes to church every week. I promise we’re still normal and like to do regular things… we just also like to go to church. Church comes with prayer, and in our home we (try to) give thanks and bless the food before each meal, and the kids…

  • Kids

    Those Mittens Aren’t Supposed to be Brown*

    Why are kids so gross? They are super cute which sort of offsets it, but I mean… really. Why are they so gross? My dad was watching the kids downstairs at my parents house this morning while I was upstairs making beds and packing up. When I went up he was washing dishes and the kids were all playing separately. Quietly. Nicely. I had only been upstairs for a few minutes when I heard him call up: Dad: “Uhhh, H? You might want to come downstairs…” Me, not hearing any bedlam or crying: “Why? What’s up?” Dad: “P is, uh… his mittens are brown. He’s reaching behind and his mittens…

  • Kids

    Bad Choices*

    We’ve always tried to teach the kids that every action has a consequence, whether it’s good or bad. We have the freedom to make a choice, but we have to accept the consequences that follow that choice. This usually leads into a discussion about “good” choices and “bad” choices. For example: hitting your brother to get the toy you wanted might not be the best choice and will probably result in no toy and a time out. However, asking him nicely if you could have a turn, or offering him a different toy to play with instead might be a better choice with more favorable results. My kids had a…