I Can Do Hard Things*

  • Parenting is hard sometimes.,  I Can Do Hard Things*

    Today was my first solo drop off.

    M had to go into work today, so he helped as much as he could before leaving, but then I was on my own. So, naturally, all the things that could complicate the morning happened all at once. My late night storm watching two nights ago left me totally exhausted last night. By the time I got W to sleep I was a bit of a zombie, and I could barely keep my eyes open. I decided just to make lunches in the morning, because, you know, that’s never a bad idea. I set my alarm for 6:30, planning to get up before everyone and shower early, because I think…

  • I Can Do Hard Things*

    Cutting Out Sugar*

    Two weeks ago today, I woke up at 7am craving a chocolate bar. I lay in bed, thinking about what I “needed” at the grocery store that would give me a reasonable excuse to go get one. As I got into the shower, still thinking about the chocolate bar, I realized that I had a problem. I knew that I hadn’t been eating very well, but seriously craving a chocolate bar before breakfast was new for me. I stood in front of my mirror, took a hard look at myself and knew I needed to make a change. A reset. I have a addictive personality, particularly with sweets, and all…

  • I Can Do Hard Things*,  H*,  Kids,  Mom Stuff

    The First Solo Drive*

    Guess who just did a two hour solo drive with all four kids??? 💪 M is back at work and I wanted to see my parents, so I decided to brave the drive on my own. Two kids slept and one kid puked but we made it in one piece! I used to get so so carsick as a kid. My siblings will attest that pretty much any time we were in the car for more than an hour I’d get sick–I almost derailed a Florida trip when we were little because I got SO sick. Thankfully I grew out of it as I got older. I seem to have…