House Projects*

  • House Projects*

    My Secret Garden*

    My hands are blistered and my back is sore… but I have a garden!!! Well, sort of. I have a beautiful pile of soil ready for planting. The Hubster and I had a lazy sleep-in morning, then after puttering around the house for a bit we kicked into high gear. He went out to do some work at the back of the house, and after finishing up the dishes I decided to visit. We strolled around the disaster area that is our current back yard and dreamed about decks, patio stones and a fence that isn’t crooked. Our fence door isn’t quite high enough off the ground and gets stuck…

  • House Projects*

    The House: Week 1*

    Oh heeeeey. Who knew that five days could feel like a year? Seriously. Last week feels like a total dream… but here’s a tiny glimpse of what we’ve been up to since I last posted: Saturday: Moving Day The most amazing group of people showed up at our door bright and early Saturday morning (8am) and helped us move from our apartment into our new house. We were mostly packed–there were just a few odds and ends laying around–but for the most part it was a smooth transition from apartment – truck – house. We had everything moved in by noon, and had the rest of the day to begin…

  • House Projects*


    Oh my lovelies, I had the most glorious weekend. In included chocolate, sushi, family time, movies, walks, sunshine, summer tires, nieces, nephews, yard saling, learning how to drive standard, cowboys, Muskoka, old fashioned markets, sleep-ins, uplifting messages, family dinners, a new dresser and so. much. more. Oh, and a long-overdue family photo with my siblings +Mom & Big Dad. Aren’t we hot? I’m going to pretend that it didn’t take us a million tries to take a half decent picture. We may or may not be a bit silly. Or something. I also love that Teep decided to look so tough there in the middle. I’m not quite sure what…

  • House Projects*

    The Jewelry Dish: Part Two*

    **Just a quick heads up–tomorrow my Summer of Dresses Project officially begins! I’m SO excited to introduce you to Joanna and her fabulous dress!! Be excited!! So. A little over a week ago I showed you my solution I had found for my jewelry mess–the beautiful glass bowl that I found for an unbelievable deal. While I do love the bowl, it wasn’t exactly what I was looking for when I came to my collection of dangly earrings. I just happened to have some free time after book club on Saturday, so after spending a week stuck in my bed with the flu, I felt that I deserved a little…

  • House Projects*

    Jewelry Dish*

    I have long been troubled with the state of my dresser. As space in our apartment has always been limited, I’ve always had to get creative with the little bits I did have. When we moved here, I downsized from a huge 10 drawer dresser to a much, much smaller one with only four drawers. While I was able to rearrange my clothes to make it work, the dresser top was an entirely different story. Both of the bathrooms we’ve had have been teeny tiny, so in order to conserve space I’ve kept all my hair products, jewelry and other miscellaneous items in our bedroom on the top of my…