Exciting News*

  • Complaining about something*,  Daily Junk*,  Exciting News*,  Cool Stuff*,  Shop Girl / Twin Adventures


    Ah. SO much has happened in the past few days… I don’t even know where to begin. First things first–so, I exaggerated, and my stay at the inlaws was good. We were a little cramped and I had to do my hair and makeup with a tiny compact mirror for 2 days, but we survived. It now looks as though Dog Lover and Spiritual Voice are planning to live with D&D for an extended period of time though, so our visits might be cut back a little. We came home Sunday night, after I went out and shot Dog Lover and Spiritual Voice’s engagement photos. They actually turned out really…

  • Exciting News*

    2000 Visitors!!!!!!!!!

    Okay, so I have nothing particularly significant to write at this precise moment in time… except for the fact that my little blog has been visited by exactly 2000 unique visitors at this very minute!!! How freaking amazing is that? Just thought I’d share my excitement with you… thank you for reading. It really means a lot to me. :) Shop Girl*

  • Daily Junk*,  Exciting News*

    I Love Anne*

    My Hubs, being the most wonderful hubs in the world that he is, bought me the Anne of Green Gables DVD box set! And yesterday, it came in the mail! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! (*does a super happy dance*) I’ve been watching them all night. I swear I could watch these movies a hundred million times and never ever ever be sick of them. I just finished the first film and I was bawling for 15 minutes after Matthew dies… it still gets me every time. Ah. I have the best husband in the world. He bought me Anne for my birthday!! (it’s not for another 2 weeks) I had a good, but…

  • Daily Junk*,  Exciting News*

    New Look*

    Are you loving my new banner/logo at the top of my page? I am SERIOUSLY loving it. The Hubs and I have been playing around with some programs and we made that today!! I’ve wanted to do something different with the format and layout of my blog, so I’m hoping to make some neat little changes over the next little while. Anyway, it’s May! I really don’t know where April went, but all of a sudden it’s May 3rd. Crazy. I started my summer courses this week–one is online, and I have a really great prof for my in class course. He sits cross legged on the front desk while…

  • Daily Junk*,  Exciting News*


    I’ve been so out of it these past two weeks that I haven’t even written to announce that I AM DONE!!! Third year is so over. I finished my take-home exam at 11:45pm on Wednesday evening, and I have been on summer vacation ever since. :) And what have I been doing with myself, you ask? Ab-sol-ute-ly nothing. And it’s been wonnnnnderful. I’ve been catching up on my shows, and watching movies! I just finished watching The Holiday and it has officially been added to my list of favourite films. SO good. The hubs and I have just been staying quiet… last night we finally started putting his mission photos…