Daily Junk*,  Exciting News*

I Love Anne*

My Hubs, being the most wonderful hubs in the world that he is, bought me the Anne of Green Gables DVD box set! And yesterday, it came in the mail! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! (*does a super happy dance*) I’ve been watching them all night. I swear I could watch these movies a hundred million times and never ever ever be sick of them. I just finished the first film and I was bawling for 15 minutes after Matthew dies… it still gets me every time. Ah. I have the best husband in the world. He bought me Anne for my birthday!! (it’s not for another 2 weeks)

I had a good, but uneventful day today. The Hubs and I walked up to the dollar store this morning and bought a whole bag of glorious treats and Father’s Day cards for our dads, and then came home and I relished my glorious air conditioners because it was craaaaaazy hot out. He had to leave early for school because he had an exam tonight, so I had most of the day to myself! I decided to be an ambitious little housewife and break out my domestic skills and clean the apartment. I vacuumed the whole place, then scrubbed my bathroom. It’s all sparkly and glorious. If there’s one thing I love (beside my Hubs and Anne) it’s a clean bathroom!

Then… I bonded with Anne and Gilbert. :) I also was extra ambitious and went for a run! I’m still trying to get myself into shape, so I paused Anne, braved the heat and went out, then came back and even did my abs. I’m a star, I know. haha!

Anyway, I just thought I’d update. OH! Wait, more news. My sister-in-law is engaged and I helped! A while back she decided she wanted to get to know some new people, so I offered to help! I contacted some friends that I thought she might get along with, and lo and behold, she really hit it off with my friend [Spiritual Voice] and they’ve just become engaged this week! I’m so happy that things worked out!

Well, I keep getting distracted by my movie, so I’ll write more later, I promise. :)

Shop Girl*

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