Exciting News*

  • Exciting News*

    Book Club*

    I’ve started a book club. Lilac Dreamer and I were chatting about our mutual love of reading, and having personally seen the Jane Austen Book Club recently and LOVING it, it dawned on me: we need one. So, after careful discussion, Lilac Dreamer discussed several name possibilities and came up with: Book Club. We are creative geniuses. :) We decided we wanted to try and keep it small, and so far have found 4 more fellow book-lovers to join us, two of which are on my list of favourite bloggers: Soaking up the Sun (aka K*) and Grey Eyed Girl. I’m excited for our fabulous discussions. Here’s how it’s going…

  • My thoughts*,  Exciting News*


    I am officially a university graduate. It’s kind of unreal… while I was going through them the last 4 years of school seemed to drag on forever and never end, but now that they are finished, I’m not quite sure where they went. It seems like yesterday that my Dad sat me down in his office two days before the university acceptance deadline and gently (albeit firmly) told me that I needed to choose a direction for my life and go to school. I was devastated at the time as I chose to take it like he was kicking me out, and I was terrified about my future. I had…

  • Exciting News*


    Well… I have some bad news… It looks like all of you won’t be hearing about my experiences at River City U next year. …BECAUSE I WAS FINALLY ACCEPTED AT HIPPIE U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!! *insert insanely happy dance involving bananas here* Okay. Here’s the story: you all know that I have been fighting with the teacher’s college for some time trying to find out why I was not initially accepted and to try and get a spot there. Every where I went I hit a brick wall and could get no answers. About two weeks ago we exhausted our last option and were told that I would not be accepted and…

  • Exciting News*

    My Secret Project*

    Hello my dear readers, In recent posts I have mentioned that I have been working on a new project that has been eating up my free time. Well, today, after hours of work, it’s finished-ish. It’s complete enough that I cannot wait any longer to share it with you!! SO EXCITED!!!!! Some of you may have noticed that when you type in www.iheartmyshoes.blogspot.com it now redirects you to www.blog.iheartmyshoes.com (look in the bar). Why is it doing this, you ask? Hmmmm??? BECAUSE I OWN IHEARTMYSHOES.COM!!! That’s right baby– I (with much help and artistic advice from the Hubster) have created a website for my little blog and I would LOVE…

  • Daily Junk*,  Exciting News*


    DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! Today was TOTALLY a 3 llama day. This afternoon I handed in my LAST undergraduate essay. Did you hear that? LAST ONE DONE. I’m so giddy I can barely type. Haha! It was an absolute beast of a paper… when I finished it was 38 pages and 7,500 words long. I didn’t even know that I knew that many words. It was about propaganda used during the Vietnam War, and it was really difficult for me to write as it was a HUGE subject and I’m not terribly familiar with the material, but whatevs. It’s SO done. WOOOOOOO!!!!! Also, while I was on campus handing in the paper I…