Exciting News*

  • Daily Junk*,  Exciting News*

    The Big Move*

    We made it. We are finally here in our new apartment in –blank–. (I’ve yet to come up with a wondrously clever “blog name” for our new city. It’s coming.) After a week of non-stop packing, we were set to move bright and early Friday morning. And then we had a couple of… hiccups. The Hubster and his dad left to get the truck just before 9am, expecting to be back by 9:30 when everyone who had volunteered to come help was set to arrive. Perfect, right? Ha. At around, ohh, 9:20am the phone rang. It was the Hubster. A very frustrated Hubster informing me that the company’s computers were…

  • Daily Junk*,  Exciting News*

    What I’ve Been Up To*

    Hiya, folks. Well, after two new lovely people decided to follow me in recent days whilst my blogging track record has been pitiful, I thought I should probably update you with what’s been going on over here in Senior’s City. So. Almost 4 weeks ago I said a sad farewell to the Hubs and left to go live in The City for 3 weeks to finish my final teacher’s college placement. I was placed in an Autistic Spectrum Disorder (forever hereafter known as ASD) classroom. I was terrified. Before going into this class I had no experience with Special Education classrooms or students–I had had students with IEP’s (Individualized Education…

  • Daily Junk*,  Exciting News*

    Alive and Well*

    Hi. Remember me? I used to be that person that blogged every day. Or almost every day. And then… life happened. Lots and lots of life. Oh sweet mother… where do I even begin? Last week was insanely busy. It was my very last week at the university and it was full of madly trying to complete my portfolio, attending (useless) workshops, and going out with my lovely teacher friends for farewell dinners and outings. One night I even stayed out to 1am. For an old married hag like me that was CRAAZY. haha And then last Tuesday the Hubs had an interview with a big company near The City.…

  • Exciting News*,  Cool Stuff*,  My thoughts*

    Google Me*

    A little while ago I read a post by one of my favourite bloggers (Tia) that had to do with Google Analytics. Google Analytics is one of the nifty little site trackers I use to monitor my website’s statistics (blah, blah, blah). Anyway. One of the things this site tracks are the keywords people use to find your site through search engines. So, I got to thinking–how do people find me? Having never really examined the list before her post, I scanned my Google keywords and discovered these little gems: “25 things about me love to doodle”I think it would be a wee bit more correct if that read “25…

  • Exciting News*

    Thinking Warm Thoughts*

    Well, I’m still alive. I survived last night, and even managed to get through another day of school. I’m less “achy” today, but my head feels so heavy I’m pretty sure it was replaced with a bowling ball as I slept last night. haha! Anyway, no more complaining. I’m hoping that I’m on the mend and that after another good night’s sleep (and more lovely lovely anti-cold drugs) that I’ll be good as new tomorrow. *fingers crossed* It also helps that I have something warm to look forward to–the Hubster and I are planning to head south with my family in a few weeks! We are off to sunny Kissimmee,…