Daily Junk*

  • Daily Junk*


    What a week. I cannot ever remember a time when I have felt this exhausted… (mind you, I bet if I looked back on my blog to the ol‘ essay & exam seasons I’d probably find one… haha!). I am actually in bed writing so that I can sleep the second after “publish post” has been clicked. Tonight I am writing to you from my parent’s home in B-Town–I decided to take a last minute trip home to visit Mom & Big Dad / get some pants hemmed (Mom has a “guy” who does alterations for really cheap). I needed seven pairs hemmed so that I can stop wearing the…

  • Daily Junk*

    Friday is my Friend*

    Today was a good day. First things first–it’s casual Friday. I still haven’t been brave enough to wear jeans to school as my associate teacher (AT) never ever does. Today she came wearing a skirt when the rest of the staff was in jeans and running shoes. I am slowly working my way there though–today I ditched the dress pants for something more comfortable. Second, we finally bonded!!!! I finally feel like my AT and I broke though this uncomfortable wall we’ve had between us. It’s just been so different from my last placement where my previous AT and I hit it off instantly and were besties (mostly because he…

  • My thoughts*,  Daily Junk*

    Nap Time*

    (my futon is one of my favourite nap spots… the Hubster took this photo a while back. I like to picture-attack him when he naps so he thought he’d get me back. haha) I had all these aspirations to write this completely fabulous post today. …and then I had a nap. I love napping. Really. Sunday afternoon naps in the sun are my most favourite, but I’ll nap any day really. I don’t know if I am just totally bizarre, but as much as I love napping, I find it takes me a really long time to recover from them. Today the Hubster and I had a really early dinner…

  • My thoughts*,  Daily Junk*

    Sharing the Love*

    (image found at: http://www.always.eu/img/img_global_logo.gif) What’s mine is yours; what’s yours is mine. Everybody knows that little phrase, and it’s something I think about often (even though the Hubster sometimes teases me that I have my own spin on it–“what’s yours is mine, AND what’s mine is mine.” haha!). I like to share. So I share all my love with the Hubster… and apparently all my sickness as well. My poor love is all sniffly and snuffly as the sickness I am just beginning to recover from moved over to his side of the bed. He’s not as bad as I was, and I’m hoping he won’t get the worst of…

  • Daily Junk*

    Better Today*

    I love Friday. Friday is my best friend. (well, second best friend. Hubster comes first.) Today was SO much better than yesterday… aside from the fact that the minutes craaawled by this morning, it was a good day. I taught my first lesson–I did a 50 minute introduction to drama and played a game called “Machines”. Machines involves a lot of movement where you build machines with your body and by connecting to other people. Even my group of “cool guys” participated and seemed to enjoy it! Best of all, my AT liked how I handled the class and gave me really positive feedback. I was nervous to deliver the…