Daily Junk*

  • Complaining about something*,  Daily Junk*


    I am so done with this year… I haven’t enjoyed a single one of my classes. I have an essay to write tonight that I am just not even wanting to look at, and so instead I write in here. I know I’ll have to succumb to the essay eventually, just not yet. It’s some comparative/analytical essay about A Streetcar Named Desire and an essay in a big book that I haven’t really read. I figure I’ll just read it as I write the essay about it. I am a staaaar student. My marks aren’t bad, I’m just sick of my crappy profs and crappy classes. I’m still wiped after…

  • Complaining about something*,  Daily Junk*

    Here I am*

    Well, I’m finally back. Actually, I got back into Ontario on Friday night, but I guess I’ve been avoiding writing on here because there’s so much to write about and I don’t even know where to begin. First off, my trip was wonderful. I wish so much that the Hubster could have been there to share it with me, but it was great getting to spend almost a solid week with my family. We normally only get to see each other for a couple of days at a time, so this was really nice. The weather was beautiful right up until the evening we left, so that was totally doable.…

  • Daily Junk*

    Still Alive*

    I just wanted to write something quick to let you know that I’m still alive– I’ve been vacationing with my family in Florida since last Friday and I have very little access to internet here at my resort! I’ll write in detail about my vacation once I get home on Saturday… the vacation has been glorious so far, tainted only by the absence of the Hubster whom I am missing TERRIBLY, and some very terrible news I recieved Tuesday evening about the death of a close friend. Again, I’ll write everything once I get home… I hope you’re all well and not missing my writing too much. ;) Shop Girl*

  • Daily Junk*

    Perpetually Procrastinating*

    I have a rather large essay due on Thursday that I have yet to really delve into. I’ve started it, gotten the books I need, but still haven’t really tackled it by the horns. I hate essays. I just want to be done school sooooooooo badly. :( My cold still feels like it is ever so slowly coming on… I’ve been waking up with a really sore throat that kind of subsides as the day goes on. I’m not impressed. I felt awful yesterday– we came home from church and I felt like a truck ran me over. I napped for 3 hours which helped, but I better be better…

  • My Wedding*,  Daily Junk*,  Exciting News*

    The End of an Era*

    I quit. I finally did it. I’ve worked for a shoe company for the past 4 and a half years and last night I quit. I haven’t really been happy there in a while… I went in in October to resign then, but my boss is amazing and offered me a deal that I couldn’t refuse. So, for the past 4 months I have been working one shift every 3 weeks or so… and as nice as it was to go in and socialize with the staff when I worked, it just wasn’t worth it anymore. I hated working evenings and Saturdays. So, since I have a job with the…